Shop For Gift Cards

With the cost of gas doubling over the past few years, inflation on our heels and the growth in family reunion attendance, it makes sense to offset the growing cost of gift giving. Thus the growing popularity of gift cards. But how do you shop for the right one?


  1. Find out what the recipient likes as a gift.
  2. Determine where they like to shop.
  3. Never assume they like what you like or shop where you shop.
  4. Look carefully at the pre-purchase disclosures of terms and conditions on the web site and the packaging in the store offering gift cards.
  5. Don't buy a gift card if terms are not given or appear too cryptic to be complete.
  6. Check for expiration dates.
  7. Check for card redemption restrictions.
  8. Check for a lost or stolen policy.
  9. Get a receipt of purchase.
  10. Mail the receipt of purchase to the recipient along with the card.
  11. Consider gift cards that offer card exchange programs.
  12. Consider getting a pre-paid debit gift card.


  • 60% of gift card issuers offer the gift card holder the option of obtaining a replacement card with the remaining balance if the original is lost or stolen, but getting a replacement may require the original receipt and the card number. Some companies may accept other proofs of purchase.Many gift issuers require the card recipient to have all the papers to obtain a replacement.


  • If you are getting a gift card for someone who lives far away, make sure the store or service exists where they live.
  • Always read the fine print. If it's not there, don't buy it.

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