Sing Higher

There are many schools of thought out there that all have different solutions for expanding your range. Experiment with them if you'd like to find one right for you, but stick to these methods to lead you to healthy singing, allowing for maximal expansion of your vocal range.


From the Inside Out

  1. Lower your larynx. This is where the vocal folds are located; it's also known as the voice box. When it's level, it's in the optimum position for singing. Unfortunately, as we sing and sing higher, it has a tendency to raise.
    • Releasing the “swallowing muscles” is a good step toward reversing a rising larynx. If that doesn't do it, you can start singing in a hooty tone, which will also help release the larynx down. Finally, spreading your vowels (like smiling) also can cause the larynx to rise, so instead think of making the vowels taller and more narrow[1].
    • Put your hand on your throat and feel your larynx. Move your tongue as far back as you can; you should feel a drop. Consciously keep the drop while you move around your mouth and tongue; this may be difficult at first, but with a few minutes' practice, you'll get it down.
  2. Breathe from your diaphragm. Most people have a bad habit of breathing from the top of their lungs. Place a hand on your stomach and watch it move up and down. It should be expanding and contracting while you sing, not your chest.
    • Go ahead, sing while laying down! Place a book on your chest and don't let it move. This is a visual reminder that you should breathe from your diaphragm.
  3. Experiment with vowel sounds. Each voice has a specific sound or two that makes it easier to reach higher. As you do warm ups, experiment with different ones.
    • Stick to darker vowels. That means "ah," "eh," "ih," "oh," and "oo." Mimic an opera singer if you must. Do not mimic a Canadian.
  4. Warm up. This is absolutely imperative to singing healthily and expanding your range. Everybody has their favorites and what works for them. Work with a bunch to determine what you like best.
    • Start at the low end of your range and do arpeggios going up.
    • At the higher end of your range, quickly stop your breath making a "hup" sound and release with a siren-like "mo". Go higher and higher with each turn.
    • Start on a lower note making a tuba sound, go up an octave and release at the top with an "aww" back down to the starting note (you may do arpeggios if you desire).
      • Remember to have your mouth, lips, and entire body ready for optimum warm up.
  5. Don't stress it. If your voice is telling you that you're going too high, listen to it. Singing should be natural; if you have to push, it will sound strained.
    • If it starts to hurt, rest. You can pick up again in a few hours if you need to. The vocal folds are just like any other muscle -- they need time to get used to the workouts you inflict on them.

From the Outside In

  1. Drink water. Lots, and lots of water. Staying hydrated is key to staying vocally healthy.
    • Stay away from cold water. It tenses your vocal folds up when they need to be relaxed to hit those notes. Tepid water is best.
    • Milk coats your vocal folds. It may feel good to drink, but its not good for your voice.
    • If you are feeling a strain, don't drink liquids that are too hot. Warm tea (with a bit of honey is fine); thin, room temperature liquids are best.
  2. Practice good posture. You know those girls you see in Victorian pieces in the movies and on television? That's not a bad place to start.
    • If there's a back to your chair, don't use it. Keep your back straight and your arms loose.
    • Don't suck in your stomach. You're breathing from it, remember?!
    • Keep your body as relaxed as possible. Relaxing your voluntary muscles makes it easier to relax your less-than-voluntary ones.
  3. Use your arms. When you start feeling yourself reach vocally, do it physically. You'd be surprised how the physicality helps.
    • Start with your arm by your side at the beginning of your siren and make a circle as you go, reaching as high as you can vocally and physically simultaneously.
    • Think of throwing a frisbee when you do trills and high warm ups.
    • Some coaches advocate literally pressing down when you're warming up with arpeggios and hitting your vocal breaks. The idea is that pressing down with your hands reminds you to keep your larynx low.
  4. Get a vocal coach. Simply enough, a professional's guidance will be the quickest way to seeing the results you want. However, keep in mind that every vocal coach is different and you'll obtain different results with each one.
    • Ask your potential coach questions about their own training, what techniques they employ, and what genres of music they'll be teaching you to start. Some coaches might give you a very poppy sound and others very classical; yet others a happy medium.


  • Be patient. You will not hit new notes overnight.
  • Singing healthily is the only way to sustain your singing voice. If you don't, you'll lose it when you're older.


  • Never smoke. It's not good for any part of you or your body.
  • Drinking alcohol dries out your vocal folds. If you are singing publicly, it is especially important to only consume water beforehand.

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