Sleep when Someone Is Snoring
Someone's snoring can seriously affect your ability to sleep. If you sleep or share a room with a snorer, there are ways to cope. Block out the noise with headphones or earplugs. If your sleep is interrupted, find ways to fall back to sleep. You should also work on reducing the other person's snoring if possible. Changing daily habits and sleeping positions can help reduce snoring. If snoring does not improve with time, talk to a healthcare provider to rule out underlying problems.
Blocking the Noise
- Use earplugs. You can buy earplugs at a pharmacy or department store. Using earplugs at night may block out some of the unwanted sounds.
- Earplugs come made from different materials, such as foam, rubber, and plastic. Make sure to follow the instructions on your package to figure out how to place your earplugs in effectively.
- If you are prone to ear infections, ask your doctor before using ear plugs.
- To reduce the risk of infection, always wash your hands before handling the earplugs and clean reusable earplugs regularly. Do not push them too far into your ears either. Also, make sure that you can hear smoke detector and carbon monoxide alarms while you are wearing the earplugs.
- Find a source of white noise. White noise is the kind of noise made by television static or a fan. See if you can find a source of white noise to help you nod off. You can turn on a fan, an air conditioner, or another electronic device that makes white noise. You can also invest in a white noise machine, which you can purchase online.
- If you can't find a source of white noise, you can find videos or audio clips online that play white noise.
- Listen to music on your headphones. If you have headphones and a device like an iPod or iPhone, you can try listening to music. This will block out the sound of snoring and help you effectively nod off at night.
- Opt for slow, soothing music. Louder, faster music may make it more difficult to sleep.
- If you have an account on a website like Spotify, see if you can find any playlists specifically designed to help with sleep.
Dealing with Sleep Interruptions
- Cope effectively when snoring wakes you. If you are woken up by snoring in the middle of the night, do not panic. Getting frustrated will make it harder to sleep. Instead, engage in some relaxing behaviors that will help you nod off again.
- Do not check the time on your phone. Not only could this potentially frustrate you, the bright light from your phone could wake you up more.
- Instead, try closing your eyes and taking a few deep, soothing breaths. Channel the air into your lower abdomen rather than your stomach.
- Change how you think about the sound. If you think of snoring as an annoyance, it is more likely to bother you. Try to think of the sound as a soothing noise that can lull you to sleep. This may help you remain calm when you wake up in the middle of the night. Try to listen closely to snoring and pay attention to its rhythm. This can help you fall asleep.
- It may take some practice before this method works, so have patience. It may be awhile before you learn to embrace the sound of snoring.
- Consider moving to a different room. If you can't fall back asleep, try moving to a different room. If you have a guest room, sleep there. You can also try sleeping on the sofa for a night. If you're in a romantic relationship with someone who snores, it may help to arrange to sleep in different rooms at least some nights of the week.
Reducing Your Partner's Snoring
- Have the snorer sleep on their side or stomach. Sometimes, shifting sleeping positions can help reduce snoring. If the snorer sleeps on their back, this can lead to an increase in snoring. Encourage them to sleep on their side or stomach instead and see if it makes a difference.
- Discourage the snorer from drinking before bed. Alcohol can relax the throat muscles, which can lead to an increase in snoring. Drinking in excess before bed can cause snoring or worsen the problem. Ask the snorer not to drink before bed, especially if you have something you need to do in the morning.
- If the snorer does drink before bed, encourage them to do so only in moderation. This can greatly reduce snoring.
- Use nasal strips. Nasal strips are strips of paper you fit over someone's nose before bed. For some, they reduce snoring. If snoring is becoming a problem, pick up some nasal strips at a pharmacy and have the snorer try using them at night.
- If sleep apnea is causing snoring, nasal strips will not be effective.
- Raise the head of your bed. Raising the head of your bed by about four inches can help reduce snoring. If you do not have an adjustable bed frame, try propping the snorer's head up with pillows.
Seeking Medical Help
- Have the snorer use decongestants to address snoring. If the person snoring is congested, this can cause or worsen snoring. Have them try using decongestant sprays or medications before bed. Make sure to get sprays specifically designed for nighttime use. Sprays meant to be used during the day may not be as effective in combating snoring.
- Encourage the snorer to talk to a doctor about quitting smoking. If the snorer smokes, have them discuss quitting with a doctor. In addition to worsening snoring, smoking can cause a number of other health problems.
- A doctor may recommend things like nicotine gum or a nicotine patch to gradually ease your partner off tobacco. They may also recommend support groups in the area or online to help the person quit.
- Have the snorer see a doctor to rule out underlying conditions. Snoring may be caused by underlying medical conditions such a sleep apnea. If someone's snoring is chronic, you should see a doctor to rule out or diagnose underlying issues.
- The doctor may want to do X-rays or other scans to check for problems in the airway.
- A doctor may want to conduct a sleep study. This can be done at home by your partner reporting sleep issues. The snorer also may spend a night in the hospital for doctors to observe their sleep.
- Explore treatment options with the snorer. If the snorer is diagnosed with a specific condition, treatment for that condition can help with snoring. Treatments depend on the condition, but often involve the snorer wearing a sleep mask to help with nighttime breathing. If there is a problem with the snorer's throat or airway, in rare cases surgery may be used to correct the issue.
- You can go on YouTube and search for white noise. This can help if you don't have a fan or another source of white noise.
- Do not write off snoring as an annoyance. Long term snoring can have poor effects on someone's health and should be evaluated by a professional.
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