Escape Cuddling in Bed with the Hug and Roll

You've been working and have been restless all day. But when you get the chance to relax and sleep comfortably, your affectionate significant other intrudes your "space" and starts cuddling. Unfortunately, not all of us can fall asleep easily locked in the arms of our lover. If you're looking for a nice way to untangle yourself, try this...


  1. Confirm that your mate's asleep. Test the level of sleepiness that she's in by seeing how heavy and slow her breathing is. This probably won't work if she's sleeping lightly.
  2. Give her a tight hug. Give her a good squeeze (but not enough to wake her up) and then smoothly transition into the next step.
  3. Do the roll. While you release her, move and roll her to her side of the bed in one swift move.


  • Watch out for these three emergency situations:
    • She wakes up after the roll. Put your arm back over her slowly. This will let her know subconsciously that you're still there. Wait until she settles down again and then withdraw your arm.
    • Release Your Trapped Arm in Bed. Roll her a little more away from you and try to pull your arm towards you slowly at the same time. Never rush this method or else she may fall off the bed if you roll her too fast or hard.
    • Coming back for more. Be prepared for a second attack. Sling your pillow from underneath your head, so she hugs that instead of you. Quietly and gently, scoot yourself out of bed and invade her vacated spot.

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Sources and Citations

  • VideoJug - Original source of information, shared with permission