Sneak Food Into Your Room

In movies, commercials, and TV shows, kids are always seen getting caught for sneaking food to their rooms. This doesn't have to be a reality! With these steps, you can sneak a snack into your room without anyone having to know!


Preparing for the Food Raid

  1. Practice before doing an actual kitchen raid. Know which areas of the house might present problems when sneaking about. For example, stairs can creak and so can the railing. Do a test run when you're just walking about, so that you know which steps and areas squeak, shift or make noise of some sort. Then you will know which parts you need to be careful about and to make sure that you go step by step, lightly and quietly.
    • Learn to move without bumping or tripping on anything.
    • Memorize the best route that doesn't raise suspicion, whether it's daytime or nighttime.
    • Test the fridge and pantry doors for creaks and the best opening techniques that minimize noise.
  2. Dress appropriately. It can help if your outfit has big pockets. A bathrobe or hoodie helps.
    • Wear something comfortable and loose.
    • Wear socks if you have a hard floor (your feet might stick to the floor and make noise). If you have a carpet floor, then you should be okay without socks.
  3. Decide when to go. If you are often awake later at night while your parents are asleep, that is a good time. However, daytime sneaks are also possible as long as you don't go during meal preparation times or when someone else is making a snack, etc.
    • If sneaking at night, wait for about 30 minutes after your parents go to bed, to be sure your parents are asleep. At night, listen to where your parent's room is at just to make sure if they're still asleep. If you hear them awake, either get the heck out of there or hide in the kitchen.

Getting the Food

  1. Check that the coast is clear. Walk down to the kitchen, check to see whether anybody who might cause you trouble is around. Once you're at the kitchen, wait for a couple of minutes before advancing.
    • In case you accidentally wake anyone, be ready to disguise the food raid as a bathroom visit; flush the toilet on your way back. You can also try to pull it off as if you were grabbing a glass of water if you have a cup in your hand.
  2. Walk into the kitchen casually. If it's daytime, try singing something quietly or humming casually.
  3. Open the area where the food is kept with care. Note that the food areas can make noise when doors are opened:
    • The fridge usually makes a lot of noise when it opens, so try putting your foot against the fridge and opening little by little with your hands. Once you have pried it open, grab whatever you can quietly.
    • If it's a cabinet that creaks when you open it, try opening it slowly. If it still creaks, try opening it super quickly, in the hope it'll be quiet.
  4. Add the food to your pockets or other stash area. If it's something like a granola bar, then it's easiest to just stuff it in your pocket. If it's something like potato chips or pretzels from a larger bag, then get a glass (that you can't see through) and quickly fill the glass with the chips/whatever and walk away casually.

Sneaking the Food Back to Your Room

  1. Walk back to your room casually. Take care not to bump into anything. If there is a mirror near the kitchen and it is daytime, check that you're not bulging in odd places.
    • Be careful not to leave a trail of food as you leave the kitchen. Dropping food will bust you.
  2. Use the best and quietest route back to your bedroom. If this includes going via the bathroom, that can help to cover your tracks.
  3. Hide things quickly if you have nosy parents who like checking up on you. Shove the food into a safe spot quickly on reaching your room, so that it can't be seen if your parents come in. Places could include: Under a desk, underneath a bed, or under a pillow (for small snacks that don't cause too much bulge). If hiding snacks under a bed, make sure the covers conceal the space between the bottom of your bed and the floor.
    • In some beds, if you lift the corner of your mattress, you may find a little area made of metal, like a little box. You can't really hide a lot in it, but it's good for candy bags.
    • If you have a bookshelf in your room, you can stash your food inside there by grabbing it and pulling, then put the food behind and push the bookshelf back so that it looks like the beginning a simple bookshelf not used for secret stashes or food swiping.
  4. Cover up the evidence after eating in your room. After you're done eating, hide leftovers and wrappers somewhere in your room like in your underwear drawer or somewhere only you will know where it is. A good place few people look in is under the bottom drawer in a stack of drawers.

Other Things that Might Help

  1. Shift items to easy-to-grab locations when you can. If you are washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen or doing some cooking, you have a good opportunity to put food into one area where it will be easy to grab later. Just be sure it is well hidden, such as behind a large cereal box or similar.
  2. Try to stash up on food over time, having the extra packet of chips in your room is a good idea. A good time to do this is while your parents are out.
  3. Tuck food packages that are particularly flat into the waistband of your pants or skirt (preferably in the back). Make sure to walk without crinkling the wrapper but do it casually. If done right, you can sneak candy right under you family's noses, and no one will be the wiser!
  4. Grab a paper towel for something more complicated such as dry cereal or crackers or chips, put the snack in it, and gather the ends into a little bag shape. Crumpling it up a little might make it less suspicious. You can just tell someone you're throwing a piece of trash away if they ask.
  5. Put your snack into a cup. Of course, the cup should not be see-through. Also, make sure you can't see the snack easily above the cup. This is particularly useful for sneaking things like fruit, cupcakes, chips, almost everything. But be warned, this only works if you are allowed to have drinks in your room.


  • Don't grab food that is very popular to your roommates/parents, if it is food they really like, they will notice every little amount missing. Pick food that you like, but that is not so popular with the people you share the fridge with.
  • If you are sneaking a midnight snack, get a cup out just in case. If you hear anyone getting up, pretend you are getting water.
  • Try to avoid grabbing food with noisy wrappers. If you do, do it slowly and quietly.
  • Make sure to throw away any wrappers or put away any dishes you might have used.
  • A good tip is to go and actually eat something, and when placing your plate by the sink, to sneak something out. That way any suspicion of you sneaking food would be lowered, since you just ate. You can eat a small amount, or none at all, and save it for later.
  • Before your operation locate all creaky boards on your way on some sort of map you might want to lock up.
  • It is good if nobody is in the room.
  • Do this early but quietly so you don't get caught.
  • If you hide a stash of food in your room, make sure it is not in the hiding place for too long so it doesn't rot and/or get moldy.
  • Crawl on your hands and knees if you have to so tripping is less likely and if you have pets (like a large dog), you could easily be mistaken as the pet in the dark.
  • It's a very good idea to steal a lot of food. When you know the coast is clear, steal a lot of food so that you have a stash when you can't get more food. Don't steal too much of the same thing, or someone will notice.
  • If you have a drink of water with you, slosh it around a lot to conceal the sound of crinkly wrappers, etc.
  • If you want to get into the refrigerator for snacks, make sure you open the doors very, very slowly. Be sure to close them extremely softly, too, so no one hears!
  • This will be an easier task to achieve if you live with one parent, but it can easily be done with both parents at home.
  • If you decide to stash food, make sure it's nonperishable, or at least isn't refrigerated.
  • Slipping some socks on your feet helps dull the noise of your footsteps.
  • Never try to steal food with a sibling around. They might snitch!
  • When sneaking peanuts, crack them before you go to bed then put them in a Ziplock bag/cup and hide it in your drawer.
  • If you are going to have some leftover cake while your parents are in bed before you go to bed open your fridge a crack so if your fridge is noisy when you open it will not be as noisy when you open it to get whatever you want. But remember if you do this consistently then you run the risk of raising the internal temperature of the fridge making it harder to cool down everything inside. Bacteria can grow very well on "cold" items when they are not kept at 40 degrees or colder.
  • Set aside a secret place for your stash. You need to be sure that this area won't be discovered by other people.
  • Wearing socks can be very helpful especially for hardwood floor because it prevents your barefoot sticking/making noise or your shoes making clunking sounds on the floor.


  • If you keep the hidden wrappers in your bed too long, cockroaches or ants will be in your room and your parents might get suspicious.
  • Be sure to hide the wrappers.
  • If you are caught, your parents may lecture you severely, and you could lose your dessert privileges.
  • If you eat too much be warned: You may find it hard to eat the vegetables your mom cooked for you and there may be awkward questions. Try to save the snacking until after dinner.
  • If you do this during the day, be careful, because everyone is awake.
  • Do not ask your parents to buy more of same food, they will become suspicious and wonder when you ate all those boxes of Twinkies.
  • You may get caught if you are too loud.
  • Bear in mind that your parents may have a reason for not permitting food to be eaten in your room. Think about this before disobeying them.

Things You'll Need

  • Food
  • Pockets

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