Soothe a Sore Vagina

A sore vagina can be caused by sex, childbirth, or infections. If you're experiencing vaginal soreness, there are many home treatments available to alleviate symptoms. If there is not an obvious cause of your sore vagina, see a medical professional. You want to rule out medical conditions like sexually transmitted infections and certain cancers. In the future, there are steps you can take to prevent your vagina from becoming sore. Practicing safe sex and using lubricants can prevent a sore vagina from occurring.


Treating the Soreness At Home

  1. Apply an ice pack to numb the area. If you are dealing with a sore vagina, place an ice pack on the area to help lessen the pain. The cold temperature of the ice pack will numb the nerve endings in the area, making the soreness more bearable.[1] To use the ice pack:
    • Wrap the ice pack in cloth. Do not put the ice pack directly on your skin, as it can burn your skin.
    • Leave the ice pack on the area for 15 to 30 minutes.
    • If you do not have an ice pack, you can use a plastic bag filled with ice, or a bag of frozen vegetables. Again, make sure to wrap the cold item in a cloth.
  2. Soak in a warm sitz bath. A sitz bath is a small, shallow tub that is specifically designed to clean and reduce inflammation of the genitals. You can purchase a sitz bath at your local pharmacy. Fill the bath with warm water and soak your sore vagina in the water. Soak in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes.[2][3]
    • A cool bath can also be helpful.
    • Talk to your doctor before adding things like salt, baking soda, or vinegar.
  3. Avoid scented products. Scented soaps, moisturizers, tampons, and pads can cause your vagina further irritation. The chemicals used to create the scent can cause aggravate skin. Avoid using any scented products around your vagina while soreness persists.[4]
    • Stick to unscented products when you can, including unscented toilet paper.
  4. Avoid sex and touching your vagina. This can worsen the pain. You may be tempted to touch your vagina to examine it. However, you should only have a medical professional evaluate the cause of vaginal soreness.[4]
    • Make an appointment with your gynecologist if you're concerned about vaginal soreness.
    • If you're in a relationship, you and your partner should refrain from sexual activity until the soreness has passed.
  5. Wear comfortable underwear. You should consider wearing 100% cotton underwear. Cotton is a very breathable fabric, and will be easier on a sore vagina. You want your vagina to get as much airflow as possible.[5][4]
    • If possible, do not wear any underwear at night. This will give your vagina maximum airflow.
    • Put on loose clothing. Tight clothing might be very uncomfortable. Skip the nylon leggings for the day and wear a loose skirt, dress, or pants instead. Try to wear breathable, cotton clothing to allow your skin maximum airflow.
  6. Try doing Kegel exercise. Kegel exercise, which exercise the pelvic muscles, may ease pain. If you're unsure where your pelvic muscles are, stop urination in midstream. The muscles you use here are your pelvic muscles. [6][7]
    • Tighten your pelvic muscles and hold for five seconds. Then, relax for five seconds. Repeat this process four times. Do a set like this three times a day.
    • Work up to tightening the muscles for 10 second intervals. This may take a few weeks of practice.
    • Concentrate while doing Kegel exercises. Make sure you are tightening your pelvic muscles and not the muscles in your abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.

Seeking Medical Care

  1. Know when to call the doctor. Sometimes, a sore vagina is caused by something obvious. If you've recently given birth, or had rough sexual intercourse, that may be the cause. However, vaginal pain with no clear cause should be evaluated by a medical professional. This is especially important if you notice any of the following symptoms:[7]
    • Vaginal discharge with an unusual color or odor
    • Redness, itching, or irritation
    • Bleeding between periods, after intercourse, or after menopause
    • Any kind of unusual mass or bulge in your vagina
    • Any blisters in or on the outside of the vagina
  2. Ask about medication. Over-the-counter pain medications usually do not lessen vaginal pain. You will have to talk to your doctor about prescription medications.[4]
    • The antidepressants amitriptyline and nortriptyline may soothe vaginal pain. Your doctor may prescribe these medications if he or she believes it would help with your vaginal pain. They may cause drowsiness, dry mouth, and weight gain. This is a last resort after ruling out all other causes of vaginal pain
    • Anti-epilepsy medications can also ease vaginal pain, but may cause similar side effects.
  3. Get screened for sexually transmitted infections. Vaginal pain can be a symptom of a variety of STIs. Getting tested is important. If you have an STI, the sooner you treat it the better.[8]
    • Many STIs can be cured with a simple round of antibiotics. If you have an STI, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. Take all your antibiotics as prescribed.
    • Some STIs, like herpes and HIV, do not have a cure. You will have to talk to your doctor about the best treatment option to keep symptoms and complications in check.
  4. Undergo further testing. Vaginal soreness may be caused by certain cancers, vaginal cysts, or other medical problems. However, most causes are yeast infections, allergy to a laundry detergent, herpes outbreak, endometriosis. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may want to run a series of tests to rule out such conditions. Talk your symptoms and medical history over with your doctor. He or she will determine what tests, if any, need to be conducted.[8]

Preventing a Sore Vagina

  1. Use a lubricant during sex. Vaginal lubricants can help during intercourse. These lubricants act like the natural mucus that your vagina secretes. If you frequently experience pain during or after intercourse, a lubricant can help.[4]
    • Apply a gel about 10 minute prior to sexual intercourse. If your pain is constant, you can apply a lubricant regularly throughout the day.
    • If you experience irritation, wash the lubricant off right away.
  2. Talk to your doctor about hormonal treatments for menopause. Hormonal changes during menopause can cause soreness in the vagina. Estrogen rings, estrogen tablets, and other hormonal treatments can ease vaginal soreness caused by menopause.[9]:
    • Talk to your doctor about your treatment options. He or she will find a treatment that works for you based on your age, symptoms, and medical history.
  3. Be sexually responsible. Preventing STIs can help prevent vaginal soreness. If you do not know your partner's status, always use a condom during sexual intercourse. Get tested for STIs regularly so, in the event you have an STI, you can treat it quickly.[7]
  4. Avoid douching or spraying. The vagina contains healthy bacteria that keeps it clean and free of infections. Using douches and sprays you purchase from supermarkets or drugstores can remove these bacteria, worsening symptoms or causing soreness itself. Do not use such products if you want to prevent vaginal soreness.[5]
    • Your vagina keeps itself clean with natural secretions and discharges. You can clean the vulva, the area outside your vagina, each day during your regular bathing routine. Use a mild, unscented soap to clean your vulva.[10]


  • Ask your doctor before taking medication to treat a yeast infection if you are currently taking any kind of antibiotics.

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