Soothe an Ear Ache
An earache can be a painful ailment, and it's something most people experience at one point or another, especially during childhood. The pain may be sharp, dull, or burning, and it may be consistent or it may be intermittent. The pain may be present in both ears, or concentrated in one single ear.
Signs of an earache in children include rubbing or pulling at the ear, irritability, fever, and trouble maintaining balance. If you have an earache and experience a stiff neck, you should contact your doctor. There are a number of ways to soothe the pain of an earache, and knowing how to alleviate this painful condition can help you or your child feel better fast.Contents
Using Medically Proven Methods
- Use an over-the-counter painkiller. One of the most effective ways to treat the symptoms of an earache is by taking an over-the-counter pain medication like aspirin, or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
- Follow the dosage instructions on the label, or follow your doctor's instructions, if he has given you directions on taking over-the-counter pain medication.
- For acetaminophen, do not exceed 12 tablets in 24 hours. For ibuprofen, do not exceed six tablets in 24 hours.
- For children you should use liquid acetaminophen. The dosing is 10-15 mg/kg/dose every four to six hours.
- Do not give aspirin to children under 16 years of age. Aspirin use in children has been linked to complications associated with Reye syndrome, including damage to the brain and liver.
These over-the-counter medications ease mild to moderate pain and can reduce swelling and inflammation associated with injuries.
- Apply a warm compress. Another common method of soothing ear pain is to apply a warm compress. Though this will not treat the underlying causes of an earache, it may help reduce pain associated with inner ear problems.
- Warm compresses should only be used if the person experiencing ear pain does not have a fever.
- Run hot water over a clean hand towel.
- Wring out the towel until all excess water is removed. Be sure the towel is at a comfortable temperature that will not burn the skin or cause any additional pain.
- Apply the warm towel to the affected ear until the towel grows cool. Reapply as necessary.
- Try taking a nasal decongestant. Ear pain is commonly caused by nasal congestion, allergies, or even a sinus infection.
- Common over-the-counter medications containing chlorpheniramine include Advil brand allergy and sinus medications, Tussionex, Vituz, and Zutripro.
- Follow the instructions on the label, or follow the directions your doctor gives you.
- Do not exceed 24 mg of Chlorpheniramine in a 24 hour period.
If your earache is caused by a sinus infection or congestion, try taking an over-the-counter antihistamine that contains Chlorpheniramine.
- Flush out impacted ear wax. Some earaches are caused by an excessive buildup of ear wax in the ear canal. This is typically accompanied by difficulty hearing, ringing in the ears, a sensation of "fullness" in the ear, and a possible discharge leaking out of the ear.
- Apply five to 10 drops into the ear canal, then insert a clean cotton ball to keep the solution in the ear for approximately 30 minutes.
- After 30 minutes, fill an otic syringe or a syringe bulb with clean lukewarm water mixed with the hydrogen peroxide mixture. Use this mixture to gently flush out the affected ear or ears while holding a bowl or standing over the sink. You should see chunks of ear wax coming out of your ear(s).
- Do not attempt to remove ear wax with fingers or external objects. Sticking objects into the ear may cause damage, and could push wax deeper into the ear canal.
Use an ear flush solution like Carbamide Peroxide 6.5 Otic Solution to remove impacted ear wax and relieve ear pain.
Treating an Ear Infection
- Treat otitis externa earaches. Otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear canal. This is commonly caused by moisture that gets trapped in the ear canal (swimmer's ear) or by a minor injury to the ear canal.
- Prescription ear drops containing antibiotics are the most common treatment method for otitis externa ear infections.
- Antibiotic ear drops are typically taken for seven to ten consecutive days, or longer if your doctor thinks it is necessary.
- To administer ear drops, lie on your side and squeeze the prescribed number of drops into the affected ear(s). Wait five minutes before getting up or rolling over to allow the medicine to be fully absorbed inside your ear canal.
- Relieve otitis media earaches. Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear, typically centralized in the air-filled space directly behind the eardrum. This type of ear infection is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
- In addition to a warm compress and an over-the-counter pain reliever, your doctor may prescribe you ear drops to treat the infection. One common prescription for relieving the pain associated with a middle ear infection is antipyrine-benzocaine-glycerin (Aurodex).
- Your doctor may also prescribe a course of antibiotics to treat the infection, if he believes the infection is bacterial.
Otitis media infections usually clear up on their own, but can be very painful while the infection is present.
- Ask your doctor about ear tubes. Some doctors may recommend ear tubes to treat recurrent otitis media infections. Typically, if a child experiences three infections in a six month period or four infections over the course of a year, a doctor will suggest ear tubes to help drain fluid from the middle ear.
- Ear tubes are inserted as an outpatient procedure.
- A doctor will carefully create a surgical incision in the ear drum, and a very small tube is inserted in the opening. This is to allow fluids to drain and to prevent additional fluids from building up.
Using Alternative Methods
- Use lavender oil. Lavender oil is thought to be an effective treatment for outer ear pain. To administer lavender oil, simply rub lavender oil extract on to the outer ear as needed throughout the day. You can also add a little lavender oil to a warm compress and apply it to the affected ear(s).
- Try making olive oil ear drops. Slightly warmed olive oil is considered an effective treatment for inner ear pain.
- Pour slightly warmed olive oil into a bottle with a dropper.
- While lying on your side, administer a few drops of oil into the affected ear. Then plug the ear with a clean cotton swab to keep the oil inside the ear canal.
If using this method, it's important that the oil is only slightly warmed. Do not use hot oil, as this may cause serious pain and ear damage.
- Make an eucalyptus steam bath. Another home remedy for earaches involves eucalyptus oil, which is believed to help open passageways in the body.
- Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl or pot of steaming hot water.
- Place your head over the bowl or pot, with the affected ear angled downward. Cover your head with a towel to help keep the steam around your head.
Follow these steps to make a eucalyptus steam bath for your ear.
- Use an onion paste for outer ear pain. Onions are thought to help fight infections and reduce pain and inflammation, though more research is needed on this subject.
- Chop a fresh onion, and mash it into clean, warm water until a paste forms.
- Apply the onion paste to the outer ear. Leave the paste on until you notice some effect. Repeat as needed.
To make an onion paste:
- Make garlic and mullen ear drops. Garlic oil and mullen flower oil are commonly found in grocery stores and alternative medicine shops. To make ear drops, mix the two oils into a bottle with a dropper, and apply the mixture to the affected ear. Use a clean cotton ball to plug the ear and keep the drops inside the ear canal. Repeat as necessary.
- If you cannot insert ear drops into your own ears, ask someone to help you administer the ear drops.
- If you or your child have an ear infection, try to keep the ear dry as much as possible until you've completed the recommended antibiotic treatment.
- Do not use ear drops of any kind if you believe you have a ruptured eardrum.
- Contact a doctor immediately if you or your child experience other symptoms in addition to an earache. Common symptoms to look out for include fever, vomiting, sore throat, swelling around the ear, or the presence of a fluid discharge from the ear.
Related Articles
- Get Rid of an Ear Ache
- Prevent Toddler Ear Infections
- Get the Most out of Your Doctor Visit
Sources and Citations
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