Become a Notary Public in NY State

To become a New York State Notary Public, you'll need to meet the requirements (which are not too tough to satisfy) and follow the correct procedures. Once you have the qualification, it's an awesome resume booster for job security or getting hired.


  1. Make sure you meet the requirements for being a Notary Public. You must be 18 years old, live or work in New York State, permanent resident alien status and have no recent felony convictions. If you don't meet these requirements, your application will be denied. There are no special education requirements.
  2. Get the New York State Licensing law Booklet with the exam schedule and procedures. This can be obtained from the New York Secretary of State, Division of Licensing services; or get it from the New York State Notary Public Association by calling 1-877-484-4673.[1]
    • Do not worry. The exam is only 40-multiple choice questions and you only need to score 70%. (That means you can even miss 12 and still pass.)
  3. Study for about a week if you are studying on your own. There is a 60 percent failure rate for people who simply walk into the exam––more than likely this is due to them not studying.[citation needed] People who take an online class or attend the 5-hour class with the N.Y.S. Notary Association pass with a 99 percent rate.[citation needed] Membership is free with the association.
  4. Schedule your walk-in exam time with your employer. You do not need a job to qualify. In fact, this credential will certainly help you get a job if you are looking for a resume boost. The exam is given on a weekly basis in every major metropolitan area throughout N.Y. State except on state holidays.[2]
  5. On the morning of the exam, get there early. Bring a government issued photo ID that is not expired and has your signature. A driver's license is perfect. Bring a check or money order for $15, payable to: "Secretary of State". You can also use a Visa/Mastercard debit/credit card at the door.[3]
    • You will also be thumb printed.
    • Latecomers are not admitted into the exam.
  6. Allow approximately one (1) week for your pass slip to arrive in the mail. It will be accompanied by your "Oath of Office" affidavit.
  7. Take your affidavit to any Notary Public or the County Clerk to have it notarized.[4]
  8. Mail your notarized affidavit back to the Division of Licensing services. Include a $60 check made out to the "Secretary Of State". Congratulations, your Notary Public license will arrive in the mail within 6 to 8 weeks.[5]


  • Make sure you pay attention to the, "Definitions & Terms" when studying.
  • Do not waste your time memorizing the statute numbers. They do not ask for them on the exam and this is the most common study mistake people who failed made.


    • Be careful not to purchase online books and study materials from internet marketers.
