Go Outside Naked

Nudity should never be a crime or an offence. Nudity came first and we are all born naked. There is a strange taboo that society propagates about walking around naked outside being offensive, yet it harms no one. There is a difference between enjoying being nude and being an exhibitionist.


  1. Beware of legal and social implications. Being naked in public is a crime in many areas; whether or not you agree with this law and taboo, going outside naked may land you in trouble, or at least may make those around you very uncomfortable. Know that going into your adventure, and only experiment with public nudity if you're willing to accept whatever consequences come your way.
  2. Start slowly to get comfortable. To start off just generally walk naked around your home, with curtains open; you have not harmed anyone and in most places this is not a 'crime' (but check local laws).
  3. Move to the next level. Perhaps you could visit a nudist camp for a day where everyone is naked, or lounge on a topless or nude beach for the day (if there are any in your region). Finding like-minded people can help you become comfortable with the concept of nudism.
  4. Try going outside. You don't have to go fully naked unless you really are totally comfortable with that. Your boxers/knickers and bra (if you are a girl) should do for now, go in the evening when there is a slight chance of people reporting you, and don't go out for too long.
  5. Go out fully naked in all your glory. You have every right to walk around naked as assigned at birth even if the establishment and many people disagree. Start during nighttime hours to avoid too many public repercussions.
  6. Go outside naked, not just on the evening, but any time you want. Just pick your venues and activities carefully, considering you're lacking clothing; being naked can make your body more vulnerable to harm and cold, and can obviously land you in legal trouble or socially awkward situations, depending on where you are.


  • If anyone confronts you, don't become agitated; just explain calmly that you are not hurting anyone and that after all, that person is naked under their clothes too.
  • Imagine that everyone else is naked.


  • Challenging this taboo is slightly risky and people can have all sorts of misconceptions about public nudity that can go against you.
  • You may make enemies in the process but also, with enough of a following, you can gain friends as well.
  • Don't go out naked in freezing weather; you could catch your death.
  • Walking past a school naked at home time almost guarantees you a spell in jail.

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