Rather than throwing away usable items, free recycling encourages you to give them to others who will use them. With over 8 million members and nearly 5,000 local groups around the world, 100 million tons can be kept out of landfills in a year. This is because of people just like you "gifting" their old toaster, ugly shoes or lamps they've been wanting to get rid of for years. Items are all free, legal and appropriate for all ages.
Joining a Group
- Find your local group.
- Join the group. Select your local area as this is the one you'll be able to collect from/offer within with ease.
- Read the group guidelines carefully. Every group must follow the "free, legal and appropriate for all ages" rules, but most have added other rules and some are more relaxed.
- Rules often include "no strings attached". This includes not allowing "sob stories" as part of the reasons for looking for or getting rid of items because people must freely give away or seek things and not pressure others with emotional levers.
- There may be rules about taking free items for resale. Some people resell the items they've been given for free and this upsets those giving them away freely if they aren't told up front. You may need to disclose this as your intention.
Finding the Free Stuff
- Choose how often you want the posts to arrive. All of the posts will come to you through an email group of one kind or other. You can have an email update as soon as an item is listed but this will probably overload your in-box, especially if your local Freecycle is very active. Or, you can ask for regular digests that summarize the giveaways for the day. You always have the option of reading all posts directly on the web.
- Understand what each of the terms mean. In order to make the most of your experience, you'll need to know what the item offer means. In a nutshell:
- Offer - this means someone is offering this item for free. If it sounds like something you're interested in, write the person back directly to their personal address, not to the group list. The one who makes the offer gets to choose who will be the recipient of the item.
- Wanted - this means someone is searching for a particular item. Maybe you've got this stored in the attic, basement, or back of the closet. Want to get rid of it? Now is your chance. When you have an item you're looking for, you can post a Wanted requesting that item.
- Taken - this means the item that was offered has been taken. It is posted by the person who offered the item.
- Admin - occasionally you'll see the heading ADMIN. This is a message from the moderator that you need to be sure to read. It will often update you on small changes or it may draw attention to behaviors that have occurred that need to be changed/stopped or minimized (such as making demands on people like asking them to deliver a free item, etc.).
Getting Picked for an Offer of a Freebie
- Be polite and quick. When you see an Offer that interests you, get in quickly. While there is no rule that the first past the post wins the item, those giving away often want the item removed quickly, so being fast to claim makes good sense. When emailing for the Offer, consider the following:
- Be polite. If you use ALL CAPS, make derogatory remarks about the item, fail to connect with the person as a fellow human being, you're a lot less likely to win the freebie than someone who is polite. Address the person politely, be nice about the freebie and remember that this person is being generous.
- Explain your reason for wanting the item. An email that says something like "Yeah, I'll take it thanks" doesn't tell the person giving away very much and if you're competing with others, such a message may well lose you the chance. Give a brief explanation of why you'd like the item. For example, "I'd love those lamps because I have a problem reading at night with just an overhead light and I'd really like to curl up on the couch under a cozy lamp to read."
- Follow the instructions for collection. The one who posts the Offer usually decides the method for picking up the item (usually it's pick-up but sometimes you can get the item delivered, depending on the simplicity of doing this).
- Keep your personal safety in mind throughout every "transaction." It is often a good idea to take someone else with you, especially if you don't know the area or you've not connected with the donor before.
- Equally, don't crowd the donor or assume that their generosity extends beyond the item. If they ask you inside or even offer a cup of coffee, that's great but never insist on either.
- Be subtle if you want to find out if there is anything else they might have, like saying "I am collecting lots of these horse figurines, so if you know of anyone else who has some they don't want anymore, please do let me know if it's not inconvenient." Just because you see a pile of the horse figurines on their kitchen table doesn't mean the rest are freebies, so avoid probing.
- Avoid bossing the donor around. If the donor cannot see you at a time that suits you, then consider another time that is mutually acceptable.
- Follow through on collecting the item(s). Yes it's a freebie but you've made a deal to collect it. Don't renege on turning up just because you can't be bothered and the thing is "just for free". There are rules about how often an item can be reposted and for some Groups there is a delay of a few weeks before the person can relist an item they've stated as "Taken", so if they had noted this in anticipation of your collection, they're stuck with the item for longer. Set a pick-up time you know you can make and be sure to turn up.
- Turn up on time. It is rude to make people wait when you've set a time; the donor is being generous as it is and has plenty of other things to be getting on with than waiting for you.
- You can ask for items to be left outside but respect the donor's wishes on this. In some cases, leaving stuff out for collection is an invitation for theft or it might get wet in the rain, etc. If a donor doesn't want to do this, don't push for it.
- Give as well as taking. The idea of Freecycle is to share things around. It is not at all uncommon for you to be a donor and a collector all in the same day; be sure you keep the virtuous cycle of reusing goods turning by offering the things you no longer need too.
Offering Items
- Select the item or items you no longer want. Almost anything can be offered. Old windows, rocks, dirt, cabinets, clothes, pets, old magazines, even kitchen sinks! No item is too big or too small-crafters can use small broken jewelry, junkers will take big old pieces of metal from the back of the farm...
- Log in to your local Freecycle group.
- Write a short and clear description of the item. If the site allows images, consider uploading one but this is optional. If the item has anything you think people should be aware of, include this. For example, you might want to point out if the item needs a good dust, clean or needs repair, etc.
- Note that the following things are often not permitted as part of an Offer post: Phone numbers, requests for borrowing/lending, web links, public notices, urgent/desperate calls for help, fundraising events, general questions, etc. This will vary depending on your location.
- Freecycle is not a place for bartering, exchanging, making deals or borrowing. Freebies must come with no strings attached.
- Upload the description. Then wait for requests. These are likely to begin quickly, as some people watch the new items being listed all the time. Some things to bear in mind:
- It's a good idea to wait for a few emails to arrive. That way, you can make a choice as to who will gain the freebie from the way they've asked for it. There is no rule that says you have to accept the first person's request. Go with the reply you feel is right.
- Reply to the person you'd like to collect the item. Provide your address and any quirks about getting to your place. Offer a phone number in case they get lost. And ask them to let you know when they can make it. If you're in a hurry to offload the item, stress this.
- Expect the person to arrive. If the person fails to come, make up your mind whether you'll keep it for them or pass it on to another person who requested it. This is a freebie, so there is no need to keep it back if the person collecting fails to show up.
- State that the item has been Taken when it has been picked up. This alerts others on the list that they won't be able to ask for it any longer.
- Most lists only allow the Subject lines of Wanted, Offer, Taken, Found. Some also allow PPU for pending pick up and Praise to thank a person publicly for going above and beyond the normal "transaction." Check your group guidelines to see which ones your local group use.
- The lists aren't used for visiting or conversation. Some groups have cafes for visiting and handling matters not otherwise allowed on the main group. Check the local group's guidelines to see if your local list offers one.
- Check out the other wikiHow articles (below) to learn more about freecycling.
- No groups nearby? You can start one, or try another free recycling network.
- Hoarding isn't cool. Only take items if you really do want to use them.
- Every group has its own rules, so read carefully so you understand them completely. Write the moderator if you have any questions.
- Some lists are very strict about the resale of items you've received from the list. If you're thinking about reselling something you've gotten, check the guidelines because some lists will ban you for not following the rules.
- Not all lists allow pet posts. Make sure your local list does before you Offer or place a Wanted for one there.
Related Articles
- Find a Local Freecycle Group
- Learn About How Freecycle Works
- Start a Local Freecycle Group
- Find an Alternative to Freecycle
- Get Rid of Old Books