Spot a Wall Flip
The steps involved with a wall flip are really simple, although it might not seem like it. However, learning it can be quite risky, and so support (spotting) is very much recommended. This is normally done with two people on either side, then cut down to one, and then none - all before progressing to concrete. Parkour skills, good grip, concentration and trust in your supporters are essential.
- Look at the basic supporting (spotting) position in the photo above. In this case, the left arm (right if on other side) supports the back, and the right arm controls the rotation by pushing the back of the flipper's thigh.
- Keep your arms out of the way while the flipper runs up toward the wall. If you're waving them around while they're trying to concentrate on the move, you're asking for trouble.
- Watch as the flipper launches the wall. The supporter's left (or right, depending on side) arm is placed underneath by the shoulder blades. The other arm is lower down, keeping close to the thigh closest to that supporter.
- Learn this move as this is where the left arm is important. If the flipper bails out, the left arm is there to control the descent. Basically, the left arm keeps a person in the air, while the right arm in this picture is just touching the thigh ready to provide additional thrust if needed
- Make sure that the right arm will push the thigh around (if the thighs complete the rotation, the flipper will be landing on anything but their head, which is an improvement on potential neck injuries). Knowing how much to push is really a matter of judgement; if your friend is about to become a few inches shorter, give a good, steady push across your body, and possibly even downwards as the rotation finishes (imagine a large circle in front of this supporting position, you would be drawing it counter-clockwise). Just get those legs between the head and the ground.
- Watch as his feet land on the ground.
- Relax.
- When you're standing perpendicular to a wall, the arm furthest from it goes under the flipper, and the hand closest to the wall guides the thighs around. Use the arm around the shoulder blades to keep the rotation nice and high (approximately about shoulder to head height for an average flip). The thigh hand is probably the most important, because if the head is going towards the ground, it is up to the drive from that arm to complete the rotation and get the flipper the right way up.
- Remember to always bring an experienced partner. This is a good idea, since if s/he done this before, they can help you to master the wall flip.
- Be extremely careful when attempting or learning the techniques as the the moves are potentially risky, and injuries are possible. A wall flip should only be attempted by very experienced Parkour practitioners with two spotters ready to help.
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Sources and Citations
- ScrewgravityOriginal source of info.Content and pictures shared under an free license.