Stand Out After the Interview

Job seekers in any economy are often very interested in getting advice and information about how to prepare for a job interview. This kind of preparation is essential to getting the best chances for success, but there's also another element that a job applicant might want to think about: how to stand out after the interview. There's some etiquette involved in the post-interview process, just as there is in the initial pre-interview process. Here are some ways to look good when you have already met with a company representative about a job.


  1. Send a thank you note. This is a critical step for getting your foot in the door and establishing yourself as a polite, thoughtful person. The thank you can be in the form of an e-mail or sent by postal mail. Some job hunting experts recommend postal mail because it is less likely to get lost in the shuffle, and more likely to impress. A nice note written on attractive stationery is much more powerful than a standard email.
  2. Call or e-mail to follow-up. This is where advice often differs. There's generally a time frame for checking in on a job. A number of authorities on post-interview etiquette recommend a week, but this can change depending on the specific circumstances of your interview. After a certain amount of time, a call or e-mail to check in is entirely appropriate.
  3. Respect conventional limits on post-interview contact. If there's one thing that human resources managers and others often complain about, it's the "helicopter applicant" the person who hovers over the office after an interview, repeatedly calling or e-mailing about work. Employers understand that when it comes to getting a job, time is of the essence for many applicants. With this in mind, though, it's not usually a good idea to disregard the right of the employer to take the time necessary to make decisions without being harassed or distracted by a lot of callbacks. Be patient, and you'll generally increase your standing with a company.
  4. Be available. Give the employer a working phone number and e-mail an e-mail address at interview, and be available at this phone number and e-mail address. Staying available is the best way to be proactive in post-interview job seeking without overplaying your hand by doing repeated callbacks.
  5. Anticipate second and third interviews. In today's job world, there's another common way to stand out after your initial interview. It involves getting the right information on second and third interviews, and showing up for those interviews well-prepared. Your initial interviewer may give you the names of successive interview participants and other important information that you should keep on hand, as well as any accurate dates and times for a second or third interview. More and more companies are doing these multiple interviews in order to really get to know applicants before they make their final decision. Staying proactive on such interviews will help you further establish yourself as someone who is reliable, professional and generally a good asset.

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