Start a Home Salon Business

A home salon business can allow you the benefits of working from home, some of which include saving money on commuting expenses, a flexible work day with appointments set around your schedule and the comfort and low expense of a more casual wardrobe. However, the law doesn't allow you to simply run a business out of your home. You'll need to invest time and money in following the proper protocol to turn your home into a home salon business.


  1. Address the legalities. Before you move forward with planning your home based salon, you have to find out if zoning laws in your town permit you to do business out of your home. If you are allowed to do so, you can then apply for the necessary paperwork, such as a tax identification number and business permits.
  2. Assess your available space and figure out where in your home you want to place the salon. This will determine the type of salon you can open by dictating how many chairs you can have and whether you will concentrate on hair styling, nails, skin care, massage or a combination.
  3. Determine the budget. A smaller budget will force you to focus on 1 or 2 areas and the kind of equipment you can afford to buy, such as hairstyling chairs, a manicure table or pedicure chair or massage table.
  4. Apply for building permits if renovation is necessary. Add electrical and plumbing in the space where you are going to open your salon. Your city's permit office or your contractor can tell you which construction permits are necessary to proceed.
  5. Develop your price list. The prices you charge for the services you provide should match your skill and experience. In addition, consider that a home salon business isn't subject to an additional mortgage or rent payment. Pass those savings onto your clientele to draw in your first customers.
  6. Invest in advertising. Placing an ad in the local newspaper with a first-time coupon will attract new clients. Having a flyer printed and ready to hand out with the same coupon when clients leave will help pass along the word that you are open. Word of mouth among your friends and family is another way to generate buzz, as well as use of free classified websites on the Internet where you can promote yourself and your specials.


  • Remember parking needs of your clients when you run a home salon business. Designate certain spots in your driveway for clients only.
  • Plan for an overlap in appointment times by setting up a chair in a corner with a lamp and magazines for a waiting area.
  • Investigate your residential area to verify if businesses are allowed. HOAS may prohibit home salons and other businesses.

Sources and Citations