Stay Safe After an Auto Accident

After an auto accident you are still in grave danger of being struck by another vehicle. You are probably shaken up or really freaking out, but you need to stay calm and keep yourself safe from further injury.


  1. Move your vehicle out of traffic. If your car will move, get out of the flow of traffic and to the safest place possible.
    • For U.S. drivers, the right-hand shoulder is best.
    • If you are on a freeway, try to get off the freeway, but stop as soon as you are in a safe place.
    • If you have no other choice, move to the median.
  2. Stay inside your vehicle. Whether you can get your car out of traffic or not you are safer inside the vehicle than outside exposed to traffic. If you get hit you will have some protection inside your car.
  3. Buckle up. Wear your seat belt and make sure all passengers are belted in case you are struck by another vehicle.
  4. Call 911. Stay on the phone with the dispatcher until help arrives.
  5. Turn on your hazard lights. This will help other drivers see you while there is still time to stop or slow down.
  6. Wait for help. You may be anxious to assess the damage, but you should wait until police arrive and direct traffic safely around the scene.
  7. Get out if you smell gas. This is the exception to the rule of staying in your vehicle for safety. There may be a fuel leak that can lead to a fire or explosion.
  8. Get away from the road. If you do have to get out of your vehicle, get as far away from traffic as possible. Do not stand behind or in front of your vehicle.

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