Stop Anxiety
Anxiety can interfere with your daily life and disrupt your well-being. If you are feeling anxious right now, then you may be uncomfortable and frightened. To stop your anxiety, there are lots of things that you can do right now that will help you to feel better. To reduce the chances of future anxiety, you can incorporate some self-help practices and make lifestyle changes. You may also want to seek the help of a therapist if anxiety is interfering with your daily life.
Using Quick Anxiety Relieving Techniques
- Practice deep breathing. Deep belly breathing is one of the most effective ways to quickly reduce anxiety. You can do deep breathing anywhere and it only takes a few minutes to feel the effects.
- To practice deep breathing, find a quiet place and sit or lay down in a comfortable position.
- Place your hands over your stomach, just below your ribcage.
- Take in a long, slow breath as you count to five. Concentrate on pulling the air into your abdomen, rather than just into your chest.
- Then, hold the breath for a few seconds and exhale it slowly.
- Keep inhaling and exhaling slowly into your belly for about five to 10 minutes.
- Try progressive muscle relaxation. Progressive muscle relaxation is also a quick way to reduce anxiety. Progressive muscle relaxation is when you tense and release the muscles in your body one at a time, moving from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
- To practice progressive muscle relaxation, start by laying down someplace comfortable.
- Close your eyes and then tighten the muscles in your toes by curling your toes under.
- Then, release the tension in your toes and tense your feet by flexing them.
- Then, release this tension and move to your calves.
- Continue to tense and release the muscles in your body one by one until you reach your forehead.
- Call a friend. Connecting with someone and expressing how you feel may also help to relieve anxiety. Try calling a friend to talk about what is on your mind. Or meet up with a friend and talk through your feelings in person.
- Avoid communicating how you feel via text or social media, try to connect with someone on the phone or face to face. Video chat is another option if you cannot leave your home or place of work.
- Engage in some physical activity. Any type of physical activity can be calming. Exercise is even regarded as an effective way to treat anxiety, so if you are feeling anxious, exercise is a great option. You can do anything that you enjoy, but try to do 30 minutes of exercise every day.
- Go for a walk. Walking is probably the easiest way to get some quick physical activity. Try taking a quick walk around your neighborhood.
- Take a yoga class. Yoga provides great strengthening and stretching exercises along with deep breathing and meditation techniques that can help to reduce your anxiety.
- Dance around in your living room. You don’t even need to go outside to get some exercise. Try putting on some of your favorite music and dancing around your living room or bedroom.
- Overcome-Your-Fears-Through-Visualization. Imagining a calming place may also help you to calm down quickly. Try imagining a favorite place, including how it looks, sounds, smells and feels. Stay in this serene space for as long as you like.
- For example, you might imagine that you are sitting in a beautiful meadow in the summer. You might notice beautiful wildflowers all around you, smell the scent of the grass and flowers, hear the sound of a gentle breeze blowing, and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.
- Distract yourself. A quick distraction can help you to feel less anxious as well. Try to force yourself to do something that will hold your attention when you are feeling anxious. After engaging in an activity for 10 to 15 minutes, your anxiety may go away on its own.
- For example, you could pick up a book and start reading, take a relaxing bubble bath, play with your cat, or organize your desk.
- Use-Essential-Oils. Lavender has been shown to be effective at reducing anxiety in some situations, such as before taking a test. Consider wearing a lavender scented lotion or keeping a bottle of lavender essential oil nearby so that you can smell it now and then.
- Other essential oils may also provide anxiety reducing results, such as Roman chamomile, clary sage, lemon, and bergamot.
- Listen to some soothing music. Listening to music may also help to reduce your anxiety.
- Try listening to some soothing music, such as classical, jazz, or new age, or just listen to something that you enjoy.
Music therapy has even been found to be effective for patients who are waiting to undergo surgery.
Easing Your Mind with Self-Help Strategies
- Ask yourself questions to challenge your anxious feelings. Make a list of objective questions you can ask yourself to challenge your reasons behind your anxiety. By taking some time to rationalize your anxiety, you may feel like it has less power over you. Some questions you might ask yourself include:
- What evidence is there to support that something is really wrong?
- What evidence is there to support that the situation is actually not as bad as it appears?
- What are the odds that the worst case scenario can actually happen?
- What are some of the more likely outcomes?
- How would I advise a friend who had this worry or one similar to it?
- Schedule a time for your anxiety. Since you are bound to feel anxious sometimes, you might find it helpful to schedule in some daily worry time. This will help you to put limits on your anxiety, rather than allowing yourself to feel anxious all day.
- Schedule a span of 15 to 30 minutes each day to worry and feel anxious. Ideally, it should be the same time each day and your worrying should be done in the same place.
- If anxieties come up outside of your worry period, jot those anxieties down on a list. Remind yourself that you will have time to worry about it later.
- Reflect on your anxieties during your worry period. You may even find that some of your anxieties have disappeared by the time you are ready to worry about them.
- Write about how you feel. Identifying your feelings and putting them on paper may also help you to feel better. When you are feeling anxious, sit down and just write about how you feel. You may even want to start a thoughts journal to keep track of all of your anxious thoughts. One way to organize your entries in a thoughts journal is to divide what you write into three columns.
- The first column can be something like: What is going on? Or, what is the situation? In this column, you can describe where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, etc.
- The second column can be something like: What am I thinking? In this section, you can write about the anxious thoughts that you are having.
- The third column can be something like: How anxious am I? For this column, you can just write a number from 1 (not anxious at all) to 10 (extremely anxious) to represent how anxious you feel.
- Remind yourself that the way you feel is only temporary. Sometimes when you feel anxious, you might feel like it is permanent and worry that you will never feel good again. This can be quite frightening, so you may need to remind yourself that your feelings are only temporary.
- Try saying something like: “This is only a small moment in time.” Or, “These feelings will not last.”
- Redirect your thoughts to the present. Dwelling on the past or future can provoke anxiety, so training yourself to focus on the present can also be a good way to reduce anxiety. Focusing on the present can also make it easier for you to deal with the issues or tasks that are facing you right now.
- To make yourself more aware of the present moment, pay attention to what is happening around you. Who is there? What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel?
- You may want to Do-Mindful-Meditation to become more focused on the present. Meditation is also a great way to reduce anxiety.
Getting Help
- Seek help from a therapist. If your anxiety is interfering with your daily life, then it might be a good idea to seek the help of a mental health professional, such as a counselor or therapist.
- For example, you may want to seek therapy if you have been withdrawing from your friends and family, avoiding certain places out of fear, or having a hard time focusing on work or school because of your anxiety.
Talk therapy is an effective way to reduce anxiety and to learn effective tools for handling anxiety-provoking situations.
- Try cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy focuses on changing your thoughts and behaviors in order to reduce your anxiety. By going through cognitive therapy with a licensed mental health professional, you identify, challenge, and replace the negative thoughts that cause you to feel anxiety.
- For example, you might find that you often think to yourself, “I am going to fail,” and this thought may cause you to feel anxious. With cognitive behavioral therapy, you will learn to identify this thought as it occurs and challenge the thought or change it into something positive, such as “I am going to do my best.”
- Cognitive therapy is something that you should only undergo with a licensed therapist. Ask your therapist about using cognitive therapy as part of your treatment plan.
- Consider exposure therapy. Exposure therapy helps you to face the fears that cause you to feel anxious. Over time, you may increase the intensity of your exposure or face your fears for longer periods of time. As a result, your fears and anxiety levels should improve.
- For example, if you are afraid of flying, then you might begin by imagining that you are in an airplane. Over time, you might work up to visiting the airport, taking a short flight, and then, as a final goal, taking a cross-country or overseas flight.
- You should only undergo exposure therapy with the guidance of a licensed therapist. If your fears cause you to feel anxiety, then talk to your therapist about incorporating some exposure therapy into your treatment program.
- Ask about medications. There are several different types of medication available for anxiety, which you may want to consider if you have trouble controlling your anxiety by other means. Keep in mind that you will have to see a psychiatrist (a medical doctor who specializes in psychiatry) to obtain medication for anxiety. Some medications you may consider include:
- Benzodiazepines. These are the most common anti-anxiety medications. They work fast to reduce anxiety, but they can be habit forming. It is best to use these medications for severe anxiety only. Some benzodiazepines include Xanax (alprazolam), Valium (diazepam), Klonopin (clonazepam), and Ativan (lorazepam).
- Antidepressants. Some antidepressants can help to reduce anxiety, but these take about four to six weeks to start working. Some common antidepressants that can help with anxiety include Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine), Prozac (fluoxetine), Lexapro (escitalopram), and Celexa (citalopram).
- Buspirone. This drug is a mild tranquilizer that takes about two weeks to begin working. It is similar to benzodiazepines, but it is much milder and has fewer side effects. Buspirone is also less likely to be addictive.
- Beta blockers. Some high blood pressure medications known as beta blockers can also help with the physical symptoms of anxiety. These are considered off-label prescription drugs because beta blockers are mainly prescribed for heart problems and high blood pressure. Some beta blockers include Tenormin (atenolol) and Inderal (propranolol).
Making Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Future Anxiety
- Develop your support group. You may often turn to family and friends when you are feeling anxious. However, you may find it helpful to identify specific people who you feel the most comfortable talking to and confiding in.
- Learn how the people in your life affect you. Some people may make your anxiety worse because they are anxious themselves. For example, if you have a friend who worries as much as you do, then she may not be the best person to call when you feel anxious.
- Eliminate stimulants. Stimulants, such as caffeine and nicotine can make anxiety worse. If you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, then try to reduce your caffeine intake. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, then do everything you can to quit smoking.
- If you are a smoker, quit smoking as soon as possible. In addition to increasing anxiety, smoking can cause serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, and emphysema. Ask your doctor about smoking cessation programs in your area.
- Try not to exceed more than 200 mg of caffeine per day. This is about the same as two eight ounce cups of coffee.
- Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol may make you feel better for a little while, but it can make your anxiety worse later on. Limit your alcohol intake and do not use alcohol to deal with anxious feelings.
- If you tend to binge drink or to drink in excess in response to your anxiety, then you may need to seek help to stop drinking. Talk to your doctor about treatment options.
- Follow a balanced diet. Some studies have shown a link between eating habits and anxiety levels. Therefore, cutting out unhealthy, processed foods and opting for more healthy whole foods may affect your anxiety levels in a positive way. Strive for balanced, healthy meals that include fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates.
- Include some fish in your diet, such as salmon, which include omega-3s. Consuming foods that contain omega-3s on a regular basis may help with anxiety.
- Try to reduce your intake of candy, sugary cereals, baked goods, and other high-sugar foods. Instead, opt for a piece of fruit when you want something sweet.
- Include complex carbohydrates in your diet, such as oatmeal, quinoa, and whole wheat bread. These sources of carbohydrates may increase the level of serotonin in your brain and calm you down as a result.
- Sleep more. Not getting enough sleep can make you feel more anxious, so it is important to get about eight hours of sleep every night. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and do things to prepare yourself for sleep. These might include:
- dimming the lights
- taking a warm bath
- listening to some white noise or soothing music
- reading a book
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Sources and Citations
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