Stop Itching

Itching, medically referred to as pruritus, is an extremely common affliction in humans and other animals. Itching can be caused by many factors, including bug bites, dry skin, and rashes like eczema. There are a variety of treatment options available to reduce an existing itch and prevent itching from reoccurring. While itching is not usually a medical concern, if your itching does not clear up on its own or is coupled with rashes, fevers, and other health problems you should seek medical care.


Trying Home Remedies

  1. Avoid scratching. While scratching an itch might seem like the easiest route to relief, it actually can make it worse. Scratching your itch will only prolong the irritation.
    • When you scratch your skin it causes a mild amount of pain. The sensation of pain interferes with the itching sensation, so you feel the pain of scratching over the itching.[1] However, your brain will release serotonin in response to the pain to try and relieve it, which can then activate the itch receptor and cause even more itching.[1]
    • Scratching can be tempting. It can be helpful to cover the itchy area in Band-aids or gauze strips. You can also trim your nails short or wear clothing that covers the itch.[2]
  2. Use cold water. Cold temperatures affect the nerves that cause itch and can sometimes cause them to slow, resulting in relief from itching. Applying cold water to itchy skin can reduce the sensation.
    • Run cool tap water over the affected area. You could also place a cold washcloth on the skin until itching stops.[3]
    • A cold shower or bath can help, especially if the itch covers a large area.[3]
    • Ice packs are a good option as well. You can buy commercial ice packs at most supermarkets or drug stores. Always wrap these in a towel or wash cloth and never apply directly to the skin.[3]
    • If you can't find ice packs, you can also place ice cubes in a plastic bag or use frozen vegetables like a bag of peas instead.[3]
  3. Take an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal has been shown to soothe the skin for some people, and a cool oatmeal bath might help relieve your itching.
    • Colloidal oatmeal is preferred as it dissolves more easily in the water.[3] However, if that's unavailable you can also use a food processor or blender to grind a cup of unflavored oatmeal.[4]
    • Run a tub of lukewarm water and pour the oats into a tub. Stir to remove any clumps.
    • Soak in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes and, when you're done, pat yourself dry.
  4. Wear the right clothing. If you have an itch, you should minimize irritation to the area. Oftentimes, the type of clothing your wearing can make an existing itch worse.
    • Strive for loose-fitting outfits made from smooth textured fabrics.[2]
    • Avoid tight, constricting items of clothing. If possible, choose outfits that do not cover the itchy area.
    • Natural fibers, such as silk and cotton, do not usually irritate itchy skin. Wool is not recommended.

Using Medicine

  1. Try over-the-counter anti-itch creams. Many itch creams area available for purchase from drug stores and supermarkets. These could help soothe an itch.
    • Look for the following ingredients when selecting creams, as they're particularly effective in combating itch: camphor, menthol, phenol, pramoxine, diphenhydramine, and benzocaine.[3]
    • These remedies numb nerve endings and therefore reduce itching. They can be applied every few minutes until symptoms stop.[3]
    • Try calamine lotion with up to 4% concentration of menthol.
    • You should always be sure to read any warning labels on any products you purchase and check for any potential allergens. Make sure you know what to do in the event of an allergic reaction.
  2. Try oral antihistamines. Antihistamines are often the first line therapy for people with wide-spread itching.
    • Use non-drowsy antihistamines during the day. This will include over-the-counter allergy medications such as cetirizine (Zyrtec) and loratadine (Claritin).[5]
    • Make sure you talk to your doctor about your itch as only she can determine if it's caused by allergies. If it's caused by other factors, antihistamines may not help you with your itching.
  3. Know when hydrocortisone creams are effective. Hydrocortisone creams are a variety of over the counter topical ointments designed to reduce itch. They can be helpful in some situations, but are not always the right option depending on the cause of your itching.
    • Hydrocortisone creams only help ease itch caused by certain rashes, such as eczema. Over-the-counter creams are often somewhat weak, containing only 1% cortisone, but if you have eczema or another skin condition such as seborrhea they might still provide some relief.[3]
    • If your itching is caused by an allergic reaction, bug bites, or dry skin it's doubtful hydrocortisone creams would help at all.[3]
    • As always, only apply over-the-counter creams as necessary and talk to your doctor if you have a reaction.
  4. Seek medical care when necessary. Itching is usually not a medical emergency, but if your itching is paired with certain symptoms or is severe you should seek medical care.
    • If your itch is severe enough that it disturbs your sleep, you should see your doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause.[6]
    • If itching lasts more than two weeks and does not improve, you should talk to a doctor.[7]
    • If your itching affects your entire body, seek medical care as soon as you can.[7]
    • See a doctor if itching is paired with symptoms like weight loss, exhaustion, change in bowel habits, fever, or redness and rashes on the skin.[7]

Preventing Itch

  1. Apply sunscreen when needed. If your itching is caused by sunburn, make sure to apply sunscreen to any exposed skin when going outside.[8]
    • If your skin is particularly sensitive to the sun, avoid sunshine during peak hours. These means anywhere between 10AM and 2PM. Peak hours are based on peaks in UV radiation and not sunlight itself. Therefore, the timeframe remains the same year-round.[9]
    • SPF levels are somewhat deceitful. A sunscreen that has an SPF of 50, for example, is not actually twice as protective as one with an SPF of 25. Choose brands based on what they protect against rather than SPF levels. Look for brands that specifically protect against UVA and UVB rays.[9] These are usually labeled "broad spectrum."
    • While SPF levels aren't the best measure of a sunscreen's strength, it's important to understand most dermatologists recommend a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above.
  2. Use moisturizers. Dry skin can become itchy easily, so using high quality moisturizers can help reduce the likelihood of skin itch.
    • High quality moisturizers include Cetaphil, Eucerin, and CeraVe. They can be purchased at most drug stores without prescription.[2]
    • Apply creams once or twice daily, especially when getting out of the shower, after shaving or exercise, or other activities that dry out or irritate skin.[2]
  3. Avoid any known irritants. Your itching may be caused by exposure to allergens or skin irritants. If you suspect your skin's itchiness is in response to an irritant, limit your exposure.
    • Common causes of allergic reaction in skin are nickel, jewelry, perfume, skin products with fragrances, cleaning products, and some cosmetics. If itchiness seems to occur in response to a particular product, cease use.[2]
    • Scented laundry detergents are known to cause skin itchiness. Try to buy natural detergents that don't contain added scents.[2]
    • Use mild, unscented soaps, conditioners, and lotions when possible.[2]


  • Research whether there is a special topical medication available for specific itching problems. For example, over the counter products treat hemorrhoids and yeast infections by targeting the causes of these afflictions.

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