Revise for Your A Level Law Exam
It may seem impossible to write an A-level law exam at the beginning, but as soon as you start working seriously towards that A on a regular basis, your goal won't be nearly as hard as you first thought it would be. This article will give you step-by-step instructions which will help you get that A.
- Start revising straight away. There is a lot to fit in. This is even more true for A2 year than it is for AS when, generally, there are more cases to be learnt. Ideally, you should have some idea of your revision timetable when you get your statement of entry.
- English law is highly dependent on cases so the best place to start is often to make a case list. People do this in different ways. One way is to buy flashcards and write the details of one case per card. Another way is the list the cases out on a sheet of paper and write brief notes (perhaps three or four lines worth) per case.
- Try to remember the dates of the cases or any quotations you may know. They may gain you extra marks in the exam. However, don't panic if you can't commit them to memory, as often the name of the case and a brief summary of the facts is all you need.
- Make a list of statutes like you did for the cases. Although there tend to be more cases, statutes do crop up every now and again.
- Go through your textbook and practise answering the questions and activities in them. Testing yourself is a great way to learn.
- Download some past exam papers so that you can give yourself a mock exam, if your exam centre permits it.
- If teaming up with a friend to help you revise helps you out, then do it. If working alone is better for you, then do this instead. Go with whatever is right for you. Don't feel pressured into group work as this can make you feel more uptight if the shared revision isn't your thing.
- It might help you to buy a revision book on the topic. The "Revision Express" series is particularly good for A-Level law, as are the "Nutshells" and "Key Facts" series.
- Possibly visit courts for topics such as juries, magistrates and the judiciary to gain further information. try to do all the research you can.
- Make sure you know what sections to answer on the exam. For example, AQA unit 4 has the option of criminal law or contract law. If you haven't learnt contract, don't attempt to answer it and vice versa!
- Make sure you take a note of the exam day and time from your statement of entry.
- Make sure that you don't get contract law and criminal law mixed up; this is a common mistake and could result in major marks being lost.
Things You'll Need
- Pens
- Paper
- Flashcards (optional)
- Your textbook
- Your class notes
- Revision book (optional)
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