Survive Your Freshman Year in High School

Sure, high school can be intimidating -- if you don't know what you're doing. But if you know what to expect in high school, it'll be easier to make good friends, ace your classes and be active after school. In order to survive your freshman year of high school, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the layout and rules of the school before the first day of class, be outgoing during and after class, build a solid study and homework plan, participate in class, and guard against negative peer pressure. It may sound like a lot, but once you get going, you'll likely fall into step soon enough.


Being One Step Ahead of the Game

  1. Avoid skipping the freshman orientation. This event is usually something your school will hold towards the end of summer, although they may hold it earlier. Not only will it make you more comfortable in your new school environment, and help get you used to a few teachers, but you can also use orientation as a social opportunity. That's right -- instead of hanging out with your mom, you can go out of your way to meet a few new people, and to hang out with your old friends.
    • Look sharp. Wear your normal clothes, but make sure to put some effort into your appearance and hygiene. You only get to make one first impression.
  2. Make friends before school starts. If you're lucky enough to already know a bunch of people going to your high school, then great. Then you can talk to your friends in advance, ask about their schedules, and see who can sit with you at lunch. You can also be bold; make friends with kids at your swim club, at the mall, or from your summer soccer league. You'll feel much more comfortable in school if you do.
    • If you're the new kid, don't worry. You won't be the only one.
  3. Get friendly with upperclassmen. Another great leg-up in high school is if you know any older kids at the school. If you have an older sibling that you actually like who will look out for you, a neighbor, or even a friend of the family who goes to the high school, this person can be a great help to you, along with being your friend. Upperclassmen can help you figure out the following things:
    • How to act around certain teachers
    • Which people to avoid
    • The low-down on the clubs or sports you're interested in
    • The game plans for acing certain classes
  4. Get to know your school's map. This may sound a little dorky, but don't underestimate how much more comfortable you'll feel at your new school if you actually know where you're going on the first day. Not only should you pay attention in orientation, but you should grab a map of the school if you can, so you can begin to figure out the best way to move from class to class. Figuring out how to make those precious 3-4 minutes during passing period count can help you eliminate stress and get to class on time.
  5. Get everything you need. Before the first day of school, you should be prepared with everything you need so you don't have to scramble on the first day. You should have a copy of your schedule if you already have one, all of your books, binders, notebooks, and school supplies, and a change of gym clothes if you have to take gym. Don't be that guy who forgot his gym clothes on the first day or the girl who had to borrow a pencil in every class.
  6. Be aware of your school's dress code. Some schools have stricter dress codes than others; that is to say, some schools will have teachers that flag you down, send you to the nurse's office, and make you go home if you don't have a change of clothes -- or worse, make you change into your gym clothes. If you have a required uniform, then make sure you wear it appropriately, but if not, look out for the following:
    • Short shorts. Many schools say your shorts have to be longer than your fingertips. Girls, after you put on your shorts, stand up with your hands at your sides to see if you pass the test.
    • Displaying your undergarments. Girls, avoid showing your bra straps, and guys, avoid sagging your pants and revealing your boxers. Most schools have a code against this and well, it just ain't classy.
    • Offensive logos. Don't wear t-shirts with offensive language or offensive references. These could even get you suspended, in the worst cases.

Surviving Socially

  1. Be especially outgoing at first. Though freshmen in high school aren't quite as outgoing as freshmen on a college campus, you should still try your hardest to be friendly before people fall into their normal social circles and are less open to meeting someone new. So, say hi to the girl in your French class, be friendly with your new lab partner, and get to know the people in your home room -- you may be sitting next to them for the next four years, after all.
    • Get to know the people in your gym class. You may not run in to some of them academically.
    • Make new friends with people who sit at your lunch table.
  2. Try out different social groups. Though you may be worried about finding the place and group where you really fit in right away, you should explore your options as much as you can. There will be the popular kids, the nerds, the cool nerds, the jocks, the stoners, and all of the other groups you may come to expect -- but you don't have to neatly fit into one category. Don't jump to conclusions and get to know as many people as you can first.
    • Though many people do remain friends with the same social group throughout high school, social dynamics and circumstances do change. If you find that your new social group isn't the right fit for you after a few months but made no effort to get to know anyone else, then you'll be out of luck.
    • Being as involved as you can in a variety of clubs and sports can help you broaden your horizons and meet as many people as possible.
    • Though it's important to be open-minded, try avoiding the kind of people who will get you into trouble by making you smoke, cut class, or cheat on tests.
  3. Avoid dating for a while. Though you may have met your dream lover in your first period physical science class, it's wiser to hold off before you start sending the kid any love notes. If you get wrapped up in a high school relationship right away, you won't have time to branch out, make friends, and figure out what actually makes you happy. Also, let's face it: 98% of high school relationships don't last, so you could put yourself in an awkward situation when you break up and all you have are mutual friends.
  4. Attend your school's social events. Though you may think you're too cool to go to the school dance or the Homecoming game, you should definitely make an appearance to make some new friends and for people to know who the heck you are. The drama kids may not go to a football game and the jocks may not go to the school play, but if you go to both, you'll be meeting more people and realizing that high school can actually have a lot to offer.
    • You don't have to go to everything. But in the first few months, make a point of going to as many events as you can before you get a sense of what you really like.
  5. Find one friend in each class. Just knowing one person in each class will make you feel much less adrift. On the first or second day of school, say hi to a person sitting next to you and strike up a conversation. This person will remember you, and maybe even walk with you to your next class. And when it comes time to do a group project, you already have someone to work with.
    • And if you find at least one friend, that friend could help you get to know more people.
    • The friend in your class could also serve as academic support and can serve as a contact person if you missed class or have any questions.
  6. Find your lunch table. Your lunch table doesn't have to be set in stone on the first day of school -- not at most schools, anyway. Still, you should figure out this part of your social situation as early as you can. If you know some people who are in your lunch from comparing schedules before school or earlier in the day, then great. Make a plan to meet up and find a table together. And if not, then be friendly, get there early enough to find a seat, and try to find friendly, accepting people to sit with you.
    • You can also try asking people you meet earlier in the day where they're sitting.
    • Don't be too shy to ask someone who looks nice and cool if you can sit with him. It's better than getting stuck with people you don't like.
  7. Don't obsess over your image. This may sound like it's nearly impossible during your first year of high school, but you should remember that everyone is obsessing over what people think, over how popular they are, over how they look in their new pair of shoes, and so on. Remember that everyone is feeling just as insecure and uncertain as you are, and be one step of the pack by understanding that none of it matters.
    • Don't spend more time staring in the mirror than you spend reading a textbook.
    • Though looking nice will make you feel good about yourself, spending all of your time obsessing over new clothes will not.
    • Even if you're not feeling confident, you can look confident. Walk with your head high and look straight ahead, instead of crossing your arms and slouching.

Surviving Academically

  1. Be respectful to your teachers. You may think that it's cool and funny to be mean to your chemistry teacher, but when your midterm grade rolls around and your C+ was not rounded to a B-, you'll have another thing coming. Though you won't love all of your teachers, it greatly benefits you to be polite to them, show up to their classes on time and at least act interested in course material. Sleeping in class is highly unadvised.
    • When you apply to college, you'll need several teacher recommendations, so it's better to start building your relationships early.
  2. Have a solid tailor-made study plan. If you want to succeed in your first year of high school, then you have to know which habits do and don't work well for you when it comes time to study for the big exam. Do you study best during your free periods, right after school, or at night, before you go to bed? Do you like listening to music or snacking while you study, or do you prefer nothing more than silence and a cup of tea? Find a routine that works for you early on and stick to it.
    • If you work better in groups, then find a study group made up of academically-minded young people so you can motivate each other. Do this only if you think you can really get work done this way.
    • Become a master note-taker. Taking notes in class will help you study when exam time comes.
    • And, obviously, avoid all nighters. You will feel panicked and horrible, and too exhausted to do well on the day of the big test. Block out time to study at least several days in advance before a big test.
    • Try to review a little each day. It's hard to get yourself to review for half an hour two or three weeks before a test...but imagine cramming that many hours the night before. Plus, you'll retain the information much better.
  3. Do your homework. This should be obvious, but it isn't. Don't do your homework on the bus on the morning of school, or in homeroom, either. Take the time to diligently do your homework right after school, in study hall, or when you get home after extra-curricular activities. Make sure that you really get it done instead of just doing the bare minimum and forgetting key information. Plus, this practice will help you to study for the test.
    • Also, if you're struggling with your homework, don't be embarrassed to get extra help after school.
  4. Participate in class. Participating in class will not only keep you from falling asleep in class and will make your teacher love you, but it will also make you more excited about the material you're learning, and more excited to come to class. You don't have to answer every question your teacher asks or offer insights every five seconds, but you should speak up from time to time so your teacher sees that you know your stuff.
    • Participating will also make you do better on tests. If you're more engaged with the material, then you'll understand it better.
  5. Start thinking about college -- but not too much. Though you shouldn't feel pressured to make a list of your top ten dream colleges during your freshman year, you should have an idea of what kind of college you'll be applying to, or at least a sense of how competitive it is. In general, to apply to a four-year university, you'll need to demonstrate a record of academic success, foreign language credits, 2-3 teacher recommendations, a personal essay, and participation in outside activities, from team sports to volunteer organizations.
    • If you start joining clubs and sports during your freshman year, you'll have time to develop your skills and find a leadership position by your junior or senior year.
    • If you haven't done anything outside of school until your junior year, and you're suddenly joining 5,000 clubs, colleges will be suspicious.
    • You can think about college, but don't obsess over it. One grade will not affect your admission to college, and you'll still have a lot of school left.
    • If there IS a college you know you want to go to, research for their course requirements to get a brief idea of what credits you need. Better to get those out of the way rather than cramming them all in one year.
  6. Avoid the "everything folder" at all costs. You know that folder from the eighth grade, where you just shoved all of your papers from every subject? You know, the one that tore in half by the end of the year, the one that you lost under your bed for a week that made you fail two tests? Yeah, that's amateur hour. It's time to step up your game.
  7. Get organized. The everything folder won't fly in high school, so make sure you have binders for every subject (or divide a binder for two classes), multiple notebooks, and folders for every class. Label each folder carefully, and go through your things at the end of every day to make sure that you haven't misplaced any papers.
    • Part of being organized is having an organized locker. Make sure your books are neatly stacked in it, not sloppily thrown in.
    • Have a planner. This will help you know in advance when you'll have a busy week and to plan ahead for tests and other events. Some schools also provide you with a planner, so if your school gives you one, be sure to use it.
    • If a teacher has a specific request for a binder, folder or notebook, then make sure that you get whatever organizational method they request, and use it for at least the first few months of the school year. If you find that the method they're having you use isn't working, then talk to them and see if they will let you use a different method for their class.
  8. Hang out with some smart people. That's right. Don't just hang out with the people who think "IQ" is the second cousin of ET. Though your friends don't have to be Einsteins-in-training, it'll be nice to have some motivated, intelligent people in your social circle. They can help you study, give you homework tips, and help you handle the stress of a full work load.
    • And hey, being friends with smarter people will also make you a smarter person. And who doesn't want that?
  9. Don't be too cool to be smart. Seriously. This is something you will regret for the rest of your life. Sure, you might end up being cool in high school, but what about when it comes time to apply to college and you can't even spell your name correctly on the SAT? Though your social life is important, don't forget that your academic life is just as important -- and maybe even more so, since it can set the tone for the rest of your life.
    • Don't hide your intelligence just because you think people will like you more if you're clueless. That's just not true anymore. Plus, even if it were, the right people will like you regardless of if you're in honors and racking up good grades.

Surviving After School

  1. Join a club or two. Find something that you really care about and join a club that can help you explore your interests. There will be dozens of clubs to choose from, such as newspaper, yearbook, poetry, French and Spanish, ski club, and so on. Picking one or two clubs that you can really focus on and devote your time to is better than picking five or six just so you can put them on your résumé. Clubs will not only make you a more well-rounded person, but you can meet some great friends at them along the way.
    • It's okay to start off with five or six clubs -- you can see which ones you like the most and drop the rest.
    • Check out Key Club, the volunteering club at most high schools.
    • Remember that not all clubs are created equal. Yearbook, for example, can take up much more of your free time than other clubs that only meet once or twice a month, so make sure you don't get overwhelmed.
    • Make it something you're genuinely interested in, not just something that you think will make you "look cool". If you have no interest in anime yet join the Anime Society, that's an hour or so spent on something you could be enjoying!
  2. Try a sport. If you're completely not an athletic person, then don't worry about joining a sport. But if there are a few sports you already play or which you'd like to try, then join a sport. Not only will you make new friends, but you'll be staying healthy and developing a stable routine -- studies show that student athletes actually get higher grades than non-athletes.
    • Just remember that a sport is a big commitment, much bigger than the commitment required by many clubs. If you're doing a sport, or especially if you're doing three sports year-round (one for every season), then don't bite off more than you can chew by also joining five clubs.
  3. Don't be a jerk to your parents. Though you may not exactly be best friends with Mom and Dad during your freshman year of high school, you should treat your parents like your friends, not your enemies. After all, they cook for you, they give you rides, and they probably give you some of the spending money you need to go to the mall with your buddies. So don't look back on your life and regret being mean to your parents just because you were moody or because your crush rejects you.
    • Having your parents on your side will make your high school experience much better than having them against you.
  4. Don't have sex until you're ready. Though many high school freshmen haven't even had their first kiss yet, it's true that a number of high school freshman have lost their virginity. You should really not have sex until you're ready and committed to a person you really love, not just a guy you met when you accidentally drank too much. That is to say, don't have sex until you're comfortable with yourself and the person, unless you're sober, or just to give in to outside pressure. If you do have sex make sure to use protection (condoms, etc).
    • If you're dating a guy who is trying to convince you to sleep with him, then he's not the right guy for you.
    • Do not have sex until you are of the legal age of consent, which varies depending on where you live.


  • Make sure you're familiar with each teacher's policy on gum, water, and food in their class. It might turn out to be a life-saver if your teacher after gym doesn't mind you having bottled water.
  • As you find your way to class for the first week, pay attention to where you are going so you get to know your schedule faster and your transition will be smoother.
  • Enjoy yourself! Freshman year can be so much fun if you choose to make it so.
  • Don't forget your planner! They are usually small and easy to carry around, so why not? It will save you many headaches in the future.
  • Be organized! Use a binder and folder for each core subject (if you want to). It helps plenty of people.
  • Avoid drama. This cannot be stressed enough. Don't start anything, but don't back down, either. Only step in when you or your friend is concerned.
  • Keep your skin clean and smell nice. People aren't going to want to be around you if you stink.
  • Try a study break. Cut your homework in half, play on your iPod for a few minutes, and then go back to do your homework. Chances are you'll be more focused and less stressed.
  • You should rather have people respect you more because you are showing that you don't care what they think of you and that you know where you came from and no one can ever tell you otherwise.
  • Relax! Try not to get yourself too worked up about that test you bombed or the homework you left in your printer at home.
  • Don't carry so many books with you. Carry a binder with all your subjects and school supplies -- then you're good to go.
  • Let yourself be happy. Do one thing you love every day, for twenty minutes. Homework won't seem so daunting afterward.
  • Use your locker. Not only do you look like a hunchback, toting all of your books around on your back, but it can’t be very comfortable, either. Find which times of the day are best for you to go to your locker, and then go to your locker.
  • Being friends/friendly with the staff really helps. The librarian, for example, can be a huge help when you have a vital assignment as an upperclassman. Another example is the janitorial staff. You might have an emergency and need them to unlock a locker room or bathroom. This is the same thing with the lunch ladies. It's not much, but when it's a bad day, a small act of kindness can turn it around.
  • Always ask for help when you need it. Your teachers are there to help. Even though some of your teachers may seem intimidating, it's not worth falling behind your freshman year. Sure, you can always make it up but it's wiser to get it over with the first time with an actual understanding.
  • Pay attention in class. It might be boring but when there is a B- on your report card, you're going to want to pay attention next time for sure.
  • Make sure you know how to open your locker. Try practicing it a few times before school.
  • Be accepting of everyone! People change from middle school to high school.
  • Don't focus on social media too much; it causes drama that you really don't have time for (plus, you don't want to be the kid that is always glued to his/her phone).
  • Never wait until last minute to do projects or homework. If you do it ahead of time, it's out of your way.
  • If you're going to be a freshman, make the best of it! Try new things, meet new people, and stay safe. Most people in the higher grades tend to lose it after a while and start to do drugs. Avoid all negative as possible. Keep up with all your grades and make go planning of what to do outside and inside of school.
  • Avoid all drama, and drama queens. Drama is just a fat distraction that can mess up your schedule, and add stress. And it is a fantastic idea to stand clear of dating and intimate relationships during your freshman year. You should wait until you have a very organized plan through high school, and focus on school and work.
  • Try listening to music while doing your homework. However, don't get too into the music or you may end up writing down lyrics on your homework!
  • Depending on the school you can get your mom and dad to take you for extra tours at the school after school on weekdays.
  • Just be yourself. Maybe your previous years weren't the best but think of high school as a fresh start not another four years of hell. Have fun because you're only a freshman once a lifetime so make the best of it.
  • Take a binder to all your classes. It is easier than going back to your locker between classes. Just clean it out often.
  • If your high school has a theater program, join it! You can meet well over 20 people in just a month or two! And if you don't enjoy acting, you can always work backstage and do carpentry, lighting, stage managing, or sound. If you plan on having a theatrical/movie/television based career, then this will get you oriented and get a couple connections with people from colleges and then connections with companies!
  • Speak up. If you need help or if you see someone bullying someone else don't be afraid to tell a teacher. Speaking of teacher, have a good relationship with at least one of your teachers so that asking for help comes easily.


  • Keep your locker(s) locked at all times. High school theft is not uncommon.
  • Don't ever be late to class! This is a teacher's biggest pet peeve. Normally, a certain number of tardies equals an absence.
  • We all send the occasional text message during class, but avoid, at all costs, eagle eyes of a teacher. Some teachers may only warn you; some may take your phone for the period; some may even hang onto it for the whole day. Don't let this happen to you!
  • Since you'll meet some new people, remember one thing! Never change for other people! You are unique in your own way! And if other "friends" try to change you, then they aren't your true friends.
  • If you ever become a target for a bully, don't be afraid to stick up for yourself and/or report to a counselor/principal. If you just hide, the bully will stay and make your freshman year miserable.
  • Don't try to be something you are not. Posers are never well respected. Besides, you will probably end up in a situation where they find out the real you and you have to explain why you lied, and you could end up losing a friend. So don't do it, because it won't only hurt the people around you, but yourself as well.
  • Choose your friends wisely; they will have considerable influence on how well you do in high school.
  • Even though you've probably heard it multiple times, NEVER DO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL. Giving in to peer pressure shows that you're weak.
  • If you're wary of getting your things stolen (pricey phones, MP3 players, etc.), don't bring them to school! That is the number one prevention technique against theft and teachers' confiscating them.
  • Avoid sex during high school at all costs. Getting "laid" while you're in high school is not smart and it won't make you look cool. Girls, being a teen mom will ruin your remaining years of high school and even college. Boys, being the "baby daddy" comes with responsibilities. If you do choose to have sex, always wear protection.
  • Do not let your locker evolve into a rat's nest. If your locker isn't clean, it's harder to get the stuff you need as quickly as possible, which as a result will make it harder to get to class on time.

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