Learn in School

How many people have told you, "I haven't learnt a thing this semester?" Sometimes distractions can divert you from achieving academically in a school environment. This article will help you actually take away things from the lessons. Soon you'll be the best in the class!


  1. Ask the teacher for help. It says that you need more help in the subject and she/he will give you it! (that's what they are there for). So if you do this you will be happy.
  2. Ask him/her questions about what you don't understand.
  3. Stay after class.If you still don't understand, ask the teacher to thoroughly explain.
  4. Stay after school. If the above doesn't help, stay after school.
  5. Ask your parents. If no one else can explain to you, don't hesitate.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There are probably at least 3 other people that want the answer to that question you ask, but are too scared to ask
  7. Seek advice from your counselor. If the course is too advanced for you, switch out. Don't get low grades in the most advanced class.
  8. Read ahead in the textbook. If school moves too slowly, take advance. Just don't let the teachers know you do it; the teachers will not let you. (see how to Get Away with Daydreaming in Class in class for tips on how to read your textbook).
  9. Search or ask online. Internet can help you for anything you don't understand if there's nobody nearby to help you. There are people who will help you with your problems.


  • Don't hang with the 'wrong crowd'. Studying will be harder for you if they keep distracting you.
  • Don't try to find romance in school, it is very distracting and makes it hard to learn.
  • Don't daydream in the class because then you might miss out on important information.
  • Note-taking is one of the most productive and easiest ways to learn and study, so it's highly encouraged.


  • Do not disturb other kids while learning, you will most likely get in trouble and may be sent out of class or worst of all, detention!

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