Survive the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Chances are, if you're reading this, that you have already taken the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme or you're seriously thinking about taking it. You're in the right place for some helpful tips, to help you decide whether this is something right for you and to help you survive getting through a challenging (yet rewarding!) way to study.


Deciding that this is really for you

  1. If you haven't decided to take the IB yet, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. Talk to all the tutors and teachers of the subjects you wish to do. Make sure this is definitely what you want to do. If you have an issue, see your IB coordinator. They do, in fact, know all.

Getting your mindset in order

  1. Stay organized. This can't be stressed enough. You are juggling 6 or 7 subjects (a planer will be helpful) at a college course level here, so for goodness' sake, keep your notes for each separate, organized and well written so that you can refer to them when it comes to exam time.
  2. Make the most of your classes. Ask questions. Take well ordered notes. Follow up anything that you don't understand, as soon as possible.

Staying committed

  1. Pick subjects you are the most enthusiastic about. These are the subjects you are going to be studying intensively for two years. You're going to write essays, read about, do loads of research and homework on those subjects. Trust me, you don't want to do a Business Management IB course if you wanted to take Theatre Arts instead. You are more likely to be admitted into college with a 5 or 6 in Theatre Arts than a 2 or 3 in Business Management.
  2. Learn the IB objectives for each subject. Because of the need to standardize the curriculum across different languages and cultures, they aren't going to test you on anything else. Ever. For example, in Biology, there's not much point learning the names of all the amino acids when you only have to be able to draw a generalised structure (unless you love biology, in which case, more power to you).
  3. Learn the command terms for each subject. Not knowing command terms will lose you marks you could have gotten otherwise.
  4. Do all your homework. Homework assignments constitute a high percentage of your final IB grade, and you could find yourself overwhelmed by the final exams if you're not diligent. This applies even further if you are doing HL (higher level) science or math.
  5. Start your extended essay ASAP. Do it well, properly, and early. The sooner you do it, the sooner it's out of the way.
  6. TOK. Otherwise known as Theory of Knowledge. Nail it. It's easy to get the core points for it if you work relatively hard. If your teacher won't teach you, teach yourself. There are books out there which are specifically designed for IB, so go get them.
  7. Keep up to date with your CAS (Creativity, Action, Service). You need 50 hours of each, over a two year-period. Try to persuade your school to organize something to help you knock these hours out, for example, photography class, activity weekend, or tuition of younger kids. If all else fails, gardening in school can count as all three. Any help you do in school, get it signed off. Hand in those forms! You'll want to finish this as soon as possible, because by the end you'll need your energy to concentrate on your final exams.
  • Note: Not all IB programs still count hours, so make sure to check with your individual IB coordinator to make sure you are doing your CAS correctly

Survival techniques

  1. Try not to freak out. You aren't going to fail, not if you work. Yes, you will get into university/college. Stop freaking out.
  2. Remember, there is more to life than IB — lack of human contact due to IB can result in social isolation and depression. Relax and have some sort of social life, for the sake of your own sanity. Find a decent IB forum on the Internet. Talk to other IB students and programmes. That said, don't fall behind on your schoolwork.
  3. Give yourself a break once in a while. Do whatever it is you do to relax. Have some "you time". Just not all the time.
  4. Avoid slacking off for any extended period. The IB is hard sometimes, but do it properly. There's no point wasting years of your life goofing off, when you could be making the most of what is, at the end of the day, a pretty awesome qualification.
  5. Do not procrastinate. IB students are known for being the kings and queens of procrastination, do it once in a while but not so often that you don't have to write your Extended Essay overnight
  6. Do the IB with friends, or make friends in the IB early on. It is much too difficult to survive successfully all by yourself, as this also requires a guardian who is committed to helping you succeed IB. Your friends in IB will be a large mental help to you succeeding. You need to hang out with this particular group and study well with them, because you can all support each other. You also need to take every help you can get, ask every single question in your head if you have to.


  1. Revise. These exams are definitely not a walk in the park. The IB is hard for most people (even geniuses like us) so prepare for it! And when — not if, when — you pass your exams, smile and be thankful that it's over. Help the first year students.
  2. Practice, Practice and more Practice. Work through as many past I.B exams as you can possibly handle! The questions in your textbook or those which you are completing in class may be drastically easier than the actual exam.


  • IB is the closest preparation to University. This is all due to the preparation of a post secondary education. Love Stress. Too much relaxation will result in a sluggish education, IB is the perfect opportunity to keep on edge for a better future. Suffer now, relax later.
  • Sleep and nutrition. For IB, you need a minimum of 6 hours of sleep. Plan your study and assignments ahead of time.The latest you should sleep at is 11pm. You also need a minimum of 3 meals a day to survive the amount of information coming inside your head.


  • Procrastination can result in all of the above, so please do your work. Procrastinating won't help: The only way to finish is to start.
  • IB itself, as well as sleep deprivation due to it, can lead to ill-health, as can sluggishness due to inadequate nutrition and / or sleep deprivation.
  • If the stress is too much, it is okay to consider to drop out of IB or even switch schools. It's an awesome programme, but your mental health is more important.

Things You'll Need

  • A planner or diary.
  • A good TOK teacher, or a good TOK book.
  • Good quality textbooks, preferably written for IB.
  • The CAS forms.

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