Survive the Last Day of School

It's the last day of school, the day that you've been looking forward to for the past nine months. However, by the time the bell rings, you're completely exhausted and grumpy from having constantly watched the clock all day.

This isn't the ideal start to your summer vacation. Fortunately, this article can help you prepare in advance for the last day of school, so that you can make it as enjoyable as possible. After all... time flies when you're having fun!


  1. Look through the yearbook and get the back page or inside of the covers signed by friends. If you did not buy one, ask permission from someone else to look through theirs. It'll bring back amazing memories of all the good times you had throughout the past year.
  2. Clean out your binders, throw away old papers, trash projects you don't want to keep, and homework assignments that you hated. There is nothing more satisfying than getting rid of all the junk you amassed throughout the year.
  3. Ask about activities happening around the school. Often, schools will have a variety of activities planned. If you know about them in advance, you can come prepared and ready to have fun. For example, if you know about a school-wide water fight in advance, you can bring extra clothes to change into and a water gun instead of just sitting on the sidelines.
  4. Avoid looking at the clock every 5 minutes. In fact, try not to look at the clock at all. It will only frustrate you, and it won't make time go any faster.
  5. Take crazy pictures around the school with your friends. If you can manage to do this without getting in trouble from the teachers, it's so much fun!
  6. Get a group of friends to show up dressed in costumes with you. For example, you could choose to make the last day of school Harry Potter themed and dress up as characters from the books.
  7. Sleep. Don't just sleep on your desk though. Find creative and weird places to sleep around the school. Then try them out!
  8. Write all over the board. Leave nice messages for your teacher and draw pictures of your summer plans. Or just leave smiley faces and hearts everywhere. Make the board a board of art!
  9. Make plans with your friends for over the summer. Plan out wild and crazy schemes and ideas, even if you know that you'll never do any of them.


  • Be aware that just because you have made the decision to be respectful and considerate, it does not mean that anyone else has. Things can get a bit too crazy on the last day. Watch your back and stay safe and away from fighting or potentially bad situations.
  • The last day of school will go as fast or as slow as you decide, depending on your attitude. Go in with a positive attitude, a determination to have fun, and a smile.
  • Stay out of trouble. The last day of school is not the time to break all the rules or show disrespect to the people around you.
  • Dress appropriately, considering the weather and the dress code you may have at your school.

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