Make the Last Days of School Go by Fast

This is for all the people who want the last days of school to go by faster and don't know how to do it. This will be a fun way to get the day to seem to fly right by. Good Luck!


  1. Don't plan for the summer too much, this will make you more anxious for it to come! Focus on some other important thing going on, or try to have fun while at school. Time flies when you have fun! A good time to plan the summer is near the way end of the year.
  2. Say "hi" to everyone you see. Act like you're on top of the world! The last day of school comes only once a year, and it can be happy and sad, too. Catch up with some friends that you haven't talked to in weeks, and just socialize!
  3. Be a bit crazier during your last days! This is a fun time. No homework, light classwork, it's fun!
  4. Pack your favourite lunch to school, filled with desserts and good foods!
  5. Make a memory book filled with pictures and writing of all the fun times and bad times, too, even. Get people to sign your memory book (or your yearbook).
  6. Reward yourself with a special treat for getting through the year.
  7. Bring your friends over for dinner and throw a party if possible!
  8. Bring a camera - take tons of pictures during passing time, lunch, and the graduation.
  9. Get your yearbook - use lots of different colours of markers and pass it around. Also, this is a great time to sign other people's yearbook.
  10. Pass phone numbers. You might even get your crush's number too! Don't scare them too much...
  11. Dress funky. It's the last day of school, why not? You'll probably get lots of compliments.
  12. Pass candies during class. Your teacher may cut you some slack and let you eat it, too.
  13. Realize is that it is the last day, so you can think of what you will do during the summer and plan out everything.
    • Make a list of must-see movies during the summer and a list of how many you want to see.
    • Make a list of all the places you want to go during the summer and think of that.
    • Talk to your friends about what big thing you want to do with them to celebrate the end of school.
    • Try to get everybody's phone number. If you don't have a vacation planned, the summer can get boring.
    • If you are going on a trip ask if you can bring a friend along.
    • Be sure to try your hardest, as your teacher will treat you very special in the end.


  • Teachers seem to be a bit rushed at the end of the year; teaching how to solve the next equation, getting you to finish your book, and that kind of work. Be sure to do as you are told, besides you've got a couple of months of freedom after you leave that day.
  • Try to befriend your teacher, it is the last day of school, so why not? You never know, a lot of the time, they're actually pretty fun to talk to.
  • Sometimes you will have to help clean up the classroom, help, but have fun doing it. Talk to friends and clean up with them.
  • Most of the time your school will be having something fun for you to do outside or something and the day will seem to pass all by itself.
  • Instead of phone numbers,you could also try email-addresses!
  • Ask out a girl/guy you really like. Maybe you could date over the summer.
  • Don't get in any serious trouble, keep it safe and simple and do not make enemies because they will remember.
  • Write a summer bucket list. This will make you more excited for summer and help the days go by really fast.
  • Make a countdown to the last day of school. You can cross the days out as the days go by.


  • Don't get in any serious trouble, keep it safe and simple and do not fight anyone on your last day of school. Schools can still contact your parents and you could still get into trouble and this could result in losing your summer vacation!
  • Try to help out your teacher. They will probably have to be there for days, cleaning up, filing, etc. Its not always about you.

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