Swim in Cold Water

Want to go swimming but the water is freezing? If it's just a matter of nerves, there are a few different ways to convince yourself to get in. If you're talking about very cold water that most people don't swim in, learn about safety precautions as well.


Handling Cool Water

  1. Breathe. If you get tense before entering cold water, pause for a moment at the water's edge. A few deep breaths will help you relax.
  2. Wear a warm swimsuit (optional). Long swim shorts or a rash guard will warm you up on the way to the pool, and help a small amount in the water. A swim cap can prevent heat from escaping through the top of your head.
  3. Jump in fast. There are two groups of people when it comes to entering pools. If you're brave enough to jump right in, one group says, you can start enjoying the water right away. It will also increase your heart rate, which can be exhilarating. Here are a few suggestions:
    • Step down up to your neck in one movement.
    • Jump straight into the deep end of the pool, if you are a good swimmer.
    • If you are swimming in an ocean or lake, run down a slope into the water until your legs are submerged, then slide in.
    • Dunk your head into the pool. Once you've done that, you know you can take the temperature!
  4. Take the cautious approach. If you can't convince yourself to get in the water quickly, use a more gradual entry. This makes it easier to adjust to the temperature, but don't let yourself get "stuck" halfway through.
    • Hold your feet in for a minute or two, then step onto the first step for a minute, and keep moving down slowly until you're in.
    • Wade in to the water until the cold "forces" you to stop. Wait a minute and repeat, trying to go as far as you can each time. Once the water is at your armpits, dunk your head under.
  5. Move your limbs constantly. Once you're in, swim or at least tread water to keep your blood flowing fast. This will make you feel much warmer than you would if you stayed still. After about five minutes of constant movement, the water might even feel warm.
  6. Warm up as soon as you leave the water. Wrap a dry towel around you as soon as you get out of the water. If you start shivering uncontrollably, go to a warm indoor area.

Swimming in Very Cold Water without Protection

  1. Know the risks. Cold water is much more dangerous than air at the same temperature. Water as warm as 21ºC (70ºF) can make breathing more difficult, and most people will hyperventilate in water at 15ºC (60ºF).[1] This method should only be attempted by fit, healthy people who have lived in cold climates.
    • If you do not fit this description, you should wear a drysuit and swim under expert supervision.
  2. Go with a group of friends. You'll be safer and enjoy yourself more if you swim with a group of friends.
    • It's best to choose drivers who have tried this before or who don't plan to swim. You'll probably be very tired after your first swim in cold water.
  3. Swim on an empty stomach. A chocolate bar is fine, but don't load up on a full meal.
  4. Choose a still body of water. Avoid rivers, as the cold water can stiffen your joints and make it difficult to swim against the current. You should also find a spot with a flat shoreline so it's easy to get in and out of the water.
    • Many northern countries have businesses that will break a large hole in the ice and place a ladder in the hole. These are a great option if you can find one, since you can pay for a heated dressing room and a hot refreshment afterward.
    • In Finland and many other northern countries, it's traditional to go from a hot sauna straight to the cold water. This will make the experience much more pleasant.
  5. Bring warm clothing and towels. The air will probably be very cold as well, so come prepared with warm clothes and a big towel. You do not need a thermal swimsuit if you only plan to swim for a few minutes. However, it is a good idea to pull a warm hat or thermal swim cap over your ears. This way you can swim with your head above the water and prevent painful earaches.
    • You can easily injure yourself walking over rough ground with numb feet. Wear thick wool socks to protect them on the shore.
  6. Step in carefully. Step carefully to avoid slipping, and do not try to jump or dive in. The first shock of cold can cause hyperventilation, so stay at the edge until you regain control of your breathing.
    • Once you're in the pool, keep your limbs moving to stay (relatively) warm.
  7. Stay in for no longer than five minutes. Stay alert about your own reaction to the temperature as you swim. If you start to feel very numb, you should get out of the water. Many people just enjoy a quick jump in and out, but you can swim around for a couple minutes if you are comfortable. Never stay in the water longer than five minutes.
  8. Exit the water carefully. You may be numb and shivering as you leave the water. Move slowly and watch where you place your feet to avoid falling.
  9. Warm up. Dry off and change into warm clothes immediately, in a heated dressing room if possible. Move to a café or other heated area, and pour yourself a hot drink or glass of liquor.
    • If you take a shower, start with a lukewarm temperature and increase it gradually. Hot water can burn you if your skin is too cold.
    • Don't be alarmed at bright red skin. This is a normal reaction to cold.


  • If swimming in cold water or any other form of competitive swimming, it's always a good idea to jog for a couple of minutes just to get the heart pumping and body warmed up. If you straight away dive in, chances are you would end up with terrible muscle stiffness. For example, people who swim in the Bering strait always warm up before starting, and even if they have opted for a relay crossing, whenever their turn to swim comes they do fresh warm up and stretching.
  • Wear a swim cap (or two!) to help prevent loss of body heat.
  • It's always a good idea to wear a surfing wetsuit.
  • If you are afraid to enter the cold water, try practicing with cold showers at home.


  • If your fingertips or lips turn blue, get out and get into dry and warm clothes.
  • If you really don't want to go in, don't let peer pressure force you to.
  • If the water feels uncomfortably cold and painful, do not go swimming in it.

Things You'll Need

  • Warm Towel
  • A wetsuit or drysuit (optional)
  • Swim cap - strongly recommended

Sources and Citations