Take Advantage of Staying Home Alone

Many people, when left alone, feel bored, but there are some great ways to entertain yourself while you're alone. You just have to get creative.


  1. Make sure that every door and window in the house is securely locked. The last thing you would want is unexpected guests coming in or any burglars.
  2. You should prepare a good snack to eat if you get hungry.
  3. Catch up on things you haven't done yet and need to do. This could be checking your e-mail or finishing schoolwork.
  4. Try doing some cleaning. This will help your family, and your parents may motivate you for helping without being asked.
  5. Do a silent activity. Here is a list of some good ones:
  6. Relax. Take a nap or just lay on the couch. If you are using the couch, remember to clean up after sleeping on it.
  7. Friends can be a big help when you are home alone. If you are not allowed to invite them over while you're home alone, give them a call, Instant Messaging them, or text them.
  8. Put your Music on the highest volume possible. As long as you don't disturb your neighbors you can blast your music and dance or sing your heart out!
  9. Throw a party, and enjoy it with your best friends. If you are throwing it at night, don't let it get out of hand, or your neighbors may call the police.
  10. Practice different kinds of Crafts and Boredom Busters. The Kids' Crafts section has many crafts you can do.
  11. Choose a hobby. This is a good way to take advantage of staying home alone, as it is a good way to use your free time. Examples include:
    • Video Games is a great way to pass the time quickly.
    • Cooking is a nice hobby to do while alone.
    • Books
    • Painting.
    • Playing an Online Games.
  12. Write a diary. Staying home alone is a good opportunity to write about the recent events that happened in your life privately. It is a good way to cherish memories and express your feelings.
  13. Read a book. There are many interesting books you can read. There must at least one book you will like, even if you don't like reading.
  14. Teach private lessons. You can use your empty home to do private lessons to younger children either in groups or privately. Prepare yourself ahead, go over the material they have learned and ask them to send you their homework before the lesson so you can solve before the lesson. If the lessons bring results, other kids will want to learn with you as well. It is a good way to earn some money in your free time. For more tips about teaching private lessons look here .


  • Don't open the door to anyone!
  • This is a good time to call someone without having your parents hear everything you say!
  • Have an escape plan out of your house if an intruder tries to break in.


  • Unless it's someone that you know calling your phone, don't answer. And even if it is someone you know, don't say you're home alone.
  • Always make sure all doors are locked. You don't want random people coming in your house!
  • If someone knocks on the door, do not answer it. If you think that it is someone you know and trust, call them first and ask them if they are actually knocking on your door. If you have a latch, use it to your advantage.
  • If you think there is an intruder while you're at home, call your local emergency number.
  • If an intruder does break in, grab the phone and run and hide. Then call the police.
  • If you are throwing a party with your friends, you may have party crashers. You can invite them or ask them to leave.
  • Make sure you are careful when cooking and don't burn yourself or cut yourself. Don't cook if you're not allowed to.
  • If a neighbor gets mad and knocks at your door, answer it, ask why they are knocking, and solve the problem (ex. neighbors are complaining about loud music, turn down music or use headphones)

Things You'll Need

  • Snack
  • Games
  • Music
  • Homework

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