Take Care of Your Twins Pregnancy

A twin pregnancy can require some extra care. It can come with unique challenges, which you can manage with personal care and the help of your doctor. You will need to be vigilant about your diet and exercise. You may need more frequent checkups to monitor the health of your baby. You should also be vigilant about your physical symptoms. There's a higher risk for complications with a twin pregnancy, so you need to make sure you have any unusual symptoms evaluated right away.


Managing Your Diet and Exercise

  1. Eat a healthy diet. As with any pregnancy, a healthy diet is important when you're carrying twins. You will have to eat more calories than someone carrying a single child, and you need to make sure your calories come from nutrient-rich foods.[1]
    • Go for plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Instead of eating things like white bread and white rice, go for whole grain varieties of your favorite foods.
    • Protein is important during pregnancy. Opt for lean red meats, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Dairy foods, like yogurt and cheese, are important for your calcium intake.
    • In general, about 2,700 calories a day is recommended for pregnant women who are carrying twins. However, you should check with your healthcare provider for specific recommendations given your current weight and health.[2]
  2. Aim for healthy snacks. You may find yourself feeling hungry a lot throughout the day when carrying twins. Keep snacks in your home, but make sure they're healthy. Go for tuna, fruits, yogurt, and small sandwiches if you feel hungry.[1]
    • Stay away from empty calories. Refrain from snack on things like soda, sugary snacks, and chips.
  3. Drink plenty of water. Hydration is very important during pregnancy, especially if you're carrying twins. Make sure to sip on water throughout the day to stay hydrated and keep your babies healthy.[2] The Institute of Medicine recommends 12 to 13 glasses of water a day for pregnant women. However, talk to your doctor for a precise amount. You may need more or less considering your specific pregnancy, activity level, and current health.[3]
    • Carry a water bottle with you at all times. Keep a glass of water near your desk at work.
    • Take advantage of any opportunity to drink water. Make a point of stopping at any water fountains you notice.
  4. Aim for the proper amount of weight gain. Talk to your doctor about the right amount of weight gain for you. Make sure to weigh yourself regularly throughout your pregnancy to make sure you're gaining a safe amount of weight at a healthy rate.[4]
    • Women at a normal weight should gain between 37 and 54 pounds during a twin pregnancy. If you are overweight, gain between 31 and 50 pounds. If you're obese, strive to gain between 25 and 42 pounds.
    • These are just general ranges. You should always talk to your healthcare provider to know how much weight gain is safe for you specifically.
  5. Talk to your healthcare provider about safe exercise. Exercise can be a healthy part of your pregnancy. However, you should talk to your healthcare provider before exercising. Depending on your pregnancy, you may need to stay away from high-impact activities like aerobics or jogging.[4]
    • Late in your pregnancy, your doctor may discourage exercise depending on how your pregnancy is progressing.

Seeking Regular Health Care

  1. Have regular checkups with your doctor. It's always important to seek regular checkups throughout your pregnancy. Make sure to go to all of your appointments throughout the pregnancy. Your doctors can monitor how your pregnancy progresses and keep an eye out for potential complications.[1]
  2. Take your prenatal vitamins every day. Your doctor will usually prescribe prenatal vitamins to up your intake of certain vitamins and minerals throughout your pregnancy. Make sure you take them every day as directed by your doctor. Make sure to take folic acid, which is very important to a healthy pregnancy. This helps assure the health of your babies.[4]
    • You should always ask how prenatal vitamins may interact with your existing medication.
    • Do not hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're unsure about anything regarding your prenatal vitamins.
  3. Have your doctor monitor your iron levels. Iron levels are particularly important during a twin pregnancy. Anemia, caused by your body not getting enough iron, is more common in a twin pregnancy. It can increase your chance of giving birth early. Make sure to have your iron levels monitored throughout pregnancy to assure a healthy and safe pregnancy.[4]
  4. Manage back and pelvic pain. Back and pelvic pain may be more common in a twin pregnancy. If you find yourself in a lot of pain, talk to your doctor. He or she may recommend a physical therapist to help you address back pain.[1]
    • Back and pelvic pain tends to get worse later in the pregnancy.

Watching for Complications

  1. Watch out for signs of preterm labor. Preterm labor is more common when you're delivering twins. If you notice any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.[5]
    • Bleeding or vaginal discharge can be a sign of preterm labor.
    • You may also start having contractions early.
    • Diarrhea can sometimes signal preterm labor.
  2. Monitor your blood pressure closely. Pre-eclampsia is more common during a twin pregnancy. This is a spike in blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy. Make sure to have your blood pressure monitored throughout pregnancy to make sure it's at a healthy and safe level.[2]
  3. Have certain symptoms evaluated immediately. Rapid weight gain or headaches should be evaluated by your doctor immediately. These can be a sign of potential complications, and indicate pre-eclampsia is developing. Your doctor may need to deliver the twins immediately to assure their safety.[6]

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