Take Children Fishing
This article is for anyone who has taken a child fishing, thinking it would be fun, and it turned out to be a disaster. Kids need action to keep their attention. This will show you how to catch enough fish to make it enjoyable for all.
- Buy high-quality fishing equipment.
- Forget the cute, cheap, fishing rods that are sold for kids. They are usually too difficult to cast, and the line is usually cheap. You will spend more time untangling knots than actually fishing. It will be tempting to buy the Donald Duck rod, but skip it.
- Buy a good, ultra-light rod and reel. They come in five to six feet. Try to buy the shortest one you can, but not less than five feet.
- Buy a spool of good line. There are a lot on the market. Stren is recommended for its ease of casting and fewer tangles. Go for a two - four pound test.
- Buy a few torpedo style floats. There are some that are specially made for flies. Ask a clerk at your local tackle shop.
- Buy some flies that are made for fly fishing. Make sure they are for dry fly fishing. This means they will float. They make some sponge spiders that do really well, and some called "Pan Pops," too.
- Spool the reel, or have them do it for you at the tackle shop. Attach the float so that it can slide along the line to the desired length. Tie on the fly, and you're ready to go.
- Choose the right pond. Try to find one that isn't very crowded. Kids can get enthusiastic with their casting, and we want to catch fish, not people. Also, look for a pond that has a lot of pan fish. We're not after a huge bass. Kids will be very happy with a bunch of bluegill.
- Keep the float way up by the fly, and teach your child how to cast somewhere in a field or empty parking lot.
- Pull the float down away from the fly, about four to five feet once your child is comfortable with casting.
- Have them cast out into the water. They don't have to cast far. In fact, they may have better luck casting closer to shore.
- Let the fly just sit for a few seconds. Sometimes the fish will strike it as soon as it hits the water. If there is no action right away, start them reeling in slowly. Use a start and stop action.
- Let them raise the rod up once they feel a tug or bite. Usually there is no need to set the hook.
- Reel 'em in, baby! If there are fish in the pond, they will hopefully catch more than enough to keep them happy. It will be fun for them.
- Cut-up pieces of hot dog, cheese chunks, dough and corn kernels make perfect bait for squeamish little ones who don't want to handle worms, and bluegills love the meal! Don't say no if the little ones ask to bait their hook with a french fry from lunch; bluegill and catfish are especially keen on burger king french fries.
- Practice catch and release, if you do not intend to eat the fish.
- Try to purchase barbless flies, or mash down the barb with a pair of pliers or vice grips. This will make things so much easier when trying to release the fish, or to get it out of your child's skin, too!
- Keep a pair of needle nose wire snips handy. Sometimes the fish will swallow the fly and you will have to clip the line (if you are releasing your fish it is very important to try to get the hook out without further injuring the fish, you want them to survive being released - however, if you cannot get the hook out, clip the line and the hook will dissolve over time).
- Remember, kids don't necessarily care how big the fish is - they just want to catch fish.
- Empty clear pretzel containers found at most places like Sam's Club, Costco, etc., that hold about {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} of water make a great holding tank so your kids can look at what they've caught.
- Wear sunglasses and/or a visor for supervising the children.
- Always remember the age and maturity of the child. Hooks are sharp and need to be handled carefully. Remind children to keep an eye on their hook while casting, or they might hook someone's eye!
- Be very careful near water of any depth, especially with young children. Always make them wear life jackets. Ensure enough adults are present to keep all children in sight.
- Small amounts of lead have been shown to cause harm to kids. When buying gear, purchase lead free products.
- Fishing accidents can cause severe eye injuries. Always were protective eyeglasses. Polarized lenses help you see the fish.
- Make sure your children/grandchildren are not too close to the pond/lake! They could fall in and possibly drown. Make sure to keep an eye out when they are near the pond/lake.
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