Take Flattering Photos of Yourself
Taking photos of yourself can be a fun way to express your mood, capture a moment you want to remember, or share what is going on in your life. It can be frustrating if you don’t like the way you look in any of your pictures. Don’t worry! Changing a few things about how you take the picture can help you take more flattering photos of yourself.
- Shoot from above. Shooting the photo from above will provide a more flattering angle. It will likely emphasize your eyes and make your face and neck seem smaller.
- Shooting from below can make some people seem powerful, but it usually makes the chin and nose look prominent, which is not a flattering look for most people.
- It’s best not to go too high so the photo doesn’t get distorted.
- Hold the camera out and a little above eye level. Then take the picture.
- Find the shadowed side of your face. Look at your face in a mirror or the camera (or take a practice photo), and find which side of your face looks darker due to being further from the light source. Take the photo from the shadowed side for an artistic and slimming effect. This approach may not work in direct sunlight.
- Use artistic approaches. Instead of a traditional, head-on self portrait, try taking the picture in a different way. Here are a few alternative shots you may consider:
- A profile shot from the side
- Half of your face—either the right or the left
- Zoom in on your eye, mouth, or cheek
- Do not center yourself in the shot. The best photographs follow what’s known as the rule of thirds. This means that your eyes should be one third of the way down from the top of the photo and off to one side. This provides a more interesting photograph and probably a more flattering angle.
- Keep the camera away from your face. The lens of the camera will distort anything that it is physically close to. A selfie, because it’s generally made by holding a camera within arm’s length of your face, often makes the nose appear larger than it is, which is not a look that many people care for.
- If you want a close-up shot, zoom the camera in slightly, then hold it far away from you or take it further away and then crop the photo to make it seem as though it was taken close-up.
- If your camera has a timer, prop it up against something, set the timer and back away. The resulting photo will likely be much improved.
- Use your phone’s main camera. Though the rear-facing camera is more convenient for taking pictures of yourself, your smart phone’s main camera is likely a much higher quality, and will take better pictures.
- Place a mirror in front of your camera. It is easier to see how you look a mirror, so if you place a mirror behind your camera or phone, you will be able to preview the picture you’re about to take more effectively. Be sure you’re not showing a fake smile!
- Have someone take the picture for you. While this isn’t always possible, having someone take a picture for you is usually preferable. You’re more likely to be able to focus on what you’re doing and how you’re posing when you’re not worrying about holding the camera and pressing the shutter button too.
- Ask a friend to take a photo for you. She may tease you about it, but she may also want you to take one of her.
- If you are at an event or doing an activity, ask someone else there to take a picture of you (and your friends if you’re there with other people). Just be sure that the person is trustworthy so you don’t have your phone or camera stolen.
- Avoid a double-chin. One of the least flattering features in a photograph is a double-chin. Usually, the double-chin look can be avoided if you lengthen your neck and move your chin out away from your body slightly. This will feel strange and awkward, but will be much more flattering in photos.
- Pull your shoulders back. Slouching shoulders and bad posture are never flattering, so be sure that you pull your shoulders down and back. This will make you look more alert, elongate your neck, and improve your photo. You may also try tilting your shoulders from one side or the other for the photograph instead of having them square with the camera.
- Adjust your attitude. Taking and sharing too many self-portraits that are all serious will make you seem serious or stuffy. Try taking a silly picture instead. Often when you relax and have a little fun, you will inadvertently take a more flattering picture.
- Angle your face or body. Instead of taking a photo square on yourself, try angling your face or body slightly. Experiment with both sides to determine whether you have a “good side.” Angling your body in a full-length photo will make you appear slimmer and emphasize your curves.
- Look away from the camera. Even if your eyes are your best feature, try looking away from the camera for a more interesting photograph.
- You can still emphasize your eyes by ensuring that they are wide open and looking above or to the side of the camera.
- Be sure to exaggerate looking away. If you look very slightly away from the lens, it will seem like you didn’t know where the camera was. If you look at least a foot from the camera, it will come across as a deliberate choice.
- Show emotion. True emotion usually comes through in your face.
- If you want to look happy, be sure you are smiling with your eyes, not just your mouth. The way to do this is to actually feel happy.
- It’s okay to show other emotions, too, if you would prefer a self photo that is somber, flirty, sad, pensive, frustrated, or matter-of-fact. Just try being genuine.
A fake smile is not usually a flattering smile, so if you want a smiling photo, think of something that makes you genuinely happy or something that is funny before snapping the shot.
- Dress for the occasion. If you are taking a self photo for a specific purpose, think about how you should dress for the picture.
- For a business photograph or for a profile for a business networking website, select modest, professional clothing and a neat hairstyle.
- For dating websites, you may want to wear something colorful or fun, but try not to look overly sexy (because you will likely look like you’re trying too hard to be sexy). Style your hair in a casual way that shows that you have paid some attention to your look.
- For social media websites, think about how you want the world to perceive you. Your clothing choice is pretty wide-open, but unless you are showing off that you have just completed a 20-mile hike, it’s unlikely that a dirty t-shirt is the best choice for a selfie.
- Avoid the duckface. The duckface—pursed lips that are slightly widened—has become a cliché and somewhat hated choice for self photos. Try another, more flattering, facial expression instead.
- Find natural light. Natural light is always better for photography. However, direct sunlight, particularly in the middle of the day when the sun is straight overhead, is often not flattering.
- If you are able, take photos on an overcast day.
- If you are inside, try taking photos near a window with natural light (but not direct sunlight) coming in.
- If you must use light that isn’t natural, avoid fluorescent lighting and overhead lighting. Indoors, you may be able to turn off overhead lights and turn on lamps for a better light effect.
- If direct overhead lighting (either natural or artificial) can’t be avoided, use the flash on your camera to fill in light so that there are no shadows under your nose or eyes.
- Check your background. Don’t become an embarrassed internet celebrity by taking and sharing photos of yourself with embarrassing things in the background.
- Bathrooms and messy bedrooms are often not the best choice for selfies, but they frequently occur there. A picture is never flattering if there is a toilet in the background.
- If you are indoors, find a neutral background such as a blank wall or a window.
- If you are outdoors or at an event, be sure to include yourself and your environment so that your picture tells a story.
- Think about framing. You may add some visual interest to your photograph by providing a visual frame.
- Pose in a doorway.
- Use both arms outstretched to hold the camera instead of one.
- Stand between two things, such as trees or bushes outdoors.
- Use your hand under or on your chin to frame the bottom of your photo.
Here are a few suggestions for framing your photo:
- Zoom in on an area. If there is a part of your face or body that you particularly want to emphasize, use a photo editing application to zoom in on it, then save the edit. Most smart phones and computers have photo editing software available, most of which is very user-friendly.
- Crop out unflattering items. Any parts of the photograph that are not flattering can be cropped out. If you took the photo with one arm, it’s usually best to crop the arm out of the picture, as it will look enlarged. If you think your hair looks crazy, crop it out. No one has to see the photos as you take them: don’t be afraid to edit before you share.
- Use a filter. Many photo-sharing websites have built-in filtering options. These will alter the appearance of your photo, bring out different colors and changing brightness and contrast. Experiment with different filters until you find one that makes your photo look the best.
- Touch-up your picture. In addition to general photo editing software and applications, there are also applications that are made specifically for touching-up portraits. With these editing software programs, you can remove blemishes, eliminate red eye, and perform other touch-ups to even your skin tone and perfect your photo.
- Blur your photo. While most people hope that their photos are ‘not’ blurry, sometimes a little selective blurring can improve your photo. By leaving part of the picture in focus and blurring other parts, you can direct the viewer to focus on what you’d like to emphasize and you can reduce the emphasis on other things, like awkward backgrounds or unflattering traits.
- Try taking pictures in different rooms so that you know what room had the best lighting for you.
- Use a photo editor that preferably has the 'soft touch' effect, this will hopefully block out the background and makes your skin pretty much perfect.
- Nothing is more cliché than seeing your arm extending out to take the photo. Consider using a timer and setting up the camera. You can also try experimenting with different angles to avoid the 'cheesy' look of an arm extending out.
- Take many photos so that you can choose the one you like best.
- Let your feet do the talking. A picture of your feet in front of a fabulous background can document your attendance at an exciting event without you having to worry about how you look.
- Look in the mirror before taking the photo and fix up anything that you want to change.
- If you don't like certain parts of your face, put more focus on other parts. For example, if you don't like your lips, wear a bright eye shadow.
- Be happy about who you are. There is no other person exactly like you; you are one-of-a-kind and unique, so embrace it!
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://theheartographer.com/selfies/
- ↑ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/heather-hummel/before-you-post-your-next_b_4450404.html
- http://www.businessinsider.com/tips-for-taking-good-selfies-2014-5#use-your-phones-rear-camera-when-possible-7
- ↑ http://improvephotography.com/19446/how-to-pose-for-a-selfie/
- http://www.fastcocreate.com/3022472/always-be-squinching-and-other-tricks-from-a-portrait-photographer-for-taking-flattering-pic
- http://digital-photography-school.com/using-facial-view-and-camera-angle-to-flatter-your-portrait-subject/
- https://expertphotography.com/how-to-take-flattering-self-portraits/
- http://news.instyle.com/2013/08/14/selfie-tips-how-to-take-a-good-selfie/
- ↑ http://www.bustle.com/articles/7142-how-to-take-a-selfie-pro-photographers-give-us-all-their-best-self-portrait-secrets