Take a Self Portrait
A person might want to take a Make a Realistic Self Portrait for a variety of reasons; a surprise for someone (and no one else around), artistic expression, or you are all by yourself. Regardless of the reason, it is always good to know the basics.
Focusing on Your Camera
- Learn about your camera. Your options will increase, or decrease, depending on the type of camera you have. Most cameras have some type of timers on them. Check out the manual or do some exploring and see if your camera does.
- Unless you are shooting with a camera phone, get some type of Make a Bottle Cap Tripod. It doesn't have to be a professional one, but it needs to be able to be completely still.
- equipment and a wireless remote]]See if your camera has a remote or wireless shutter releases. This will enable you to have a lot more freedom as far as the shot goes.
- Enlist someone, or something, to stand in for you while you adjust the focus of the camera.
- Don't be afraid to take several sample shots; especially if you are shooting digital.
- Be honest in what you are wanting to say/express with your photograph. Sure, if you want to present it as a gift, show yourself at your best, but showing your best doesn't always make the better picture.
- Get the Photography Lighting correct. Whatever lighting you are using; ambient, flash, strobes, etc. Work on getting it right.
- Be sure that your white balance is correct, if you have that option and are shooting digital. If you forget, there is software that will help you fix it.
- Think about it. Sometimes you get lucky when you are just 'shooting off', but it helps if you put some thought into it.
- Be creative. Don't get that terminal 'camera at arm's end' look. You know, the one you see on a lot of people's Facebook and MySpace.
Focusing on Your Mindset
- Relax. This may sound very simple but the number one way a great photo opportunity is ruined is with unnatural body mechanics or facial expressions. It may be difficult to be at ease when your body feels awkward and out of place, but for now your first step is to take a deep breath and notice any areas of your body where there may be tension and let go!
- Connect with the camera. It is very important to start becoming aware of the camera and the placement of your body in front of it. Most people who are photogenic like being photographed and this comes across in their pictures. Don't be scared of the camera's lens. Pretend it's a friend, lover, parent, or anything else that will help you get the desired look you want! Be sure to have plenty of photographs taken of you so that you can practice connecting and being in front of the camera.
- Put your best face forward. Determine the most flattering angles in your face and memorize them. To do this, stand in front of a mirror, and find the most symmetrical side of your face. Full frontal face pictures can be harsh, so when taking a photo, present three-quarters of your face to the camera. This brings out the angles in your face and softens the overall look.
- Smile with your eyes. This is a commonly used term in the modeling world. Your eyes speak volumes in photos. A simple smile with a dead eye can have bad results. You never want to look tired or uninterested in your pictures. To smile with the eyes, tighten the muscles in your upper cheek and lower eyelid. Imagine your eye is actually making a smiley face! It may be difficult at first but practice in front of a mirror with a piece of paper covering your mouth. Your eyes should turn up a bit at the outer corners and a twinkling effect will result.
- Elongate your torso and angle body: The classic model s pose is to arrange your body at a 45 degree angle to the camera with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder closer to the camera than the other. With hips squared, turn your upper body straight toward the camera, creating a slight twist in the torso. Pretend there is a string connected to the top of your head, and it is pulling you upward and taller. Suck in your belly without drawing air into your torso and position your arms on your hips or down to your sides with a little space between your body. These movements together will give the illusion of a much thinner waist.
- Create space with arms and legs. Look at fashion magazines and notice how the models are posed. When it comes to posing your body, symmetry is out. Asymmetrical poses are much more interesting. By bending your arms and legs you can create interesting lines that draw the viewer of a photograph directly into you. If your background is busy the focus will be on you, and if it is simple, lines will create complexity. Practice with many poses; bend your arm and place a hand on your hip while your other arm hangs naturally by your side; bend one arm upwards so that your hand is holding your shoulder; place both hands on your hip with one shoulder raised and the other lowered; place both arms behind your back, elbows out, with one shoulder raised; or pull your elbows in, place your hands on the lower back, arch your back with one leg bent and the other elongated in front of the other (this pose is great for a silhouette shot!).
- Keep your chin down. Pull your head forward a bit, which will lengthen your neck. Then tilt your head down slightly and try to position yourself so that the camera is a little above your eye level. This not only hides a double chin fairly well, but also opens up the eyes to the camera
- Find your light: If you are outdoors, always make sure you're facing the sun. If the sun is behind you, your face will be in shadow and can turn flat in pictures. If you have a wider face make sure the sun or light is shining brightest on the cheek opposite the camera. If you have a fairly thin face, make sure the sun or light is shining on the cheek closest to the camera lens.
- Keep your eyes open! This is not always easy to do. If it is very bright outside or you are in a group shot and there are a lot of distractions, one trick is to keep your eyes closed while the photographer is preparing to take the shot. If there is a count down keep them shut until you hear the number 2. At 3, open your eyes but not too wide. Remember to either smile with your eyes (which can be hard to do with just one second preparation) or keep them fairly relaxed but engaged for the shot.
- Always keep your mouth slightly open. You can bring your teeth together in a gentle bite, or your lips can slightly touch but never purse your lips shut, as this will cause them to flatten. Keeping your mouth slightly open will relax the jaw for a natural look.
- Remember to practice, practice, practice! Taking a good photo is not an accident. If you learn the basics of posing you will take great shots. It is possible to learn to be photogenic!
- Try doing what works for you in the steps above, but use the mirror. You have to do it correctly, or you will get a shot of your nose and mouth and camera in the picture.
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Sources and Citations
- Concept, and primary info, from PictureCorrect.com