Ten Key

Typing lessons typically teach the use of the numbers above the keyboard for entering numerical data. That's fine, if you're typing the occasional address, but if you have a lot of numbers to enter, you should learn to use the ten-key, typically to the right of a standard keyboard. Like touch-typing, you can learn to key in data this way without looking.


  1. On a computer, make sure number lock is on. Press the Num Lock button until the corresponding light is on.

    If the number lock is not on, pressing keys on the Learn to Use the Number Pad by Playing Games will generally do the other thing that is written on them, typically some combination of arrow and page up/page down keys.
  2. Place your middle finger on the 5 key. Often, there will be a small dimple or ridge on this key so that you can easily find it by feel.
  3. Place your index finger on the 4 (assuming a right-handed ten-key pad) and your ring finger on the 6. This is the "home row" position for ten-key work.
  4. Without looking at your hand, practice typing combinations of the home row numbers, 4, 5, 6.
  5. Work in the numbers above the home row. Type the 7 with your index finger, the 8 with your middle finger, and the 9 with your ring finger. Bring your fingers back to the home row when you are done with each of these digits.
  6. Work in the numbers below the home row. Type the 1 with your index finger, the 2 with your middle finger, and the 3 with your ring finger. Return your fingers to the home row when you are done with each of these digits.
  7. Type the 0 with your thumb. This is part of the "home row" position, too.
  8. Work on combinations of all 10 digits.
  9. Learn the decimal point key and work on entering decimal data. Type the decimal point with the ring finger. Practice typing decimal numbers.
  10. Learn by feel the location of the 'enter' key, the + symbol, and the /, *, and - symbols. You will press 'enter' with your pinkie, and this completes the "home row" position. You may reach the + with either your pinkie or your ring finger, whichever is most comfortable for you. These buttons enable you to type operations directly into most calculator programs, spreadsheets, and the like.
  11. Build your speed and accuracy. As you continue to use the ten-key, you will get more fluent at it.


  • Do not look at your hands. Learn the ten-key by feel and you will be able to enter information with it much more quickly.
  • Note that telephones and some Choose a Calculator and other keypads are arranged differently than computer keyboards. They have the 1 on the top and the 9 on the bottom.
  • Removable ten-key pads are available that plug in separately. Get one if you want to place yours on the left or you would like one to go with a laptop.
    • Some laptops have a ten-key option at an angle in the middle of the standard, alphabetical keyboard. You will probably have to use a function key to turn it on.
    • Some laptops have a built in ten-key pad on the right side, but the keys are smaller than normal. The key layout is usually the same, however.
  • Practice, practice, practice, but practice no more quickly than you can type accurately. Watch what you key in, to be sure you don't make any errors. Your speed will improve gradually, but your accuracy is important immediately, especially for keying in numbers.
  • If you're using a spreadsheet program heavily, take the time to learn some keyboard shortcuts to go with it. For example, pressing 'enter' usually advances to the next cell down from your current location. Not all of the shortcuts for your spreadsheet program will be accessible from the ten key.
  • It's still worth learning the numbers above your keyboard. For short number entries in the middle of typing words, it's faster not to move your hand to the ten-key pad.


  • As with touch typing the main keyboard, use a relaxed, neutral hand position when doing ten-key work. If you have any pain or stiffness, take a break. Take steps to prevent Prevent Repetitive Stress Injury and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Things You'll Need

  • Keyboard with ten-key or separate ten-key pad.

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