Throw a Card With Your Thumb

Are you looking for an incredible trick that's sure to impress? Well then look no longer! You can transform an ordinary deck of cards into a series of decorative projectiles, and stun the room with your amazing card skills. With some extra practice, you'll be throwing cards in no time.


  1. Hold the deck of cards parallel to your body between your index and little finger. Your middle and ring fingers should be supporting the deck from the bottom.
  2. Position your thumb on the lower right corner of the deck, near your pinky finger. The further you can get it without straining your thumb, the better.
  3. Quickly shoot the top card out by pushing on the deck with your thumb and flicking it forward. The card will pivot around your index finger and fly off spinning. While doing this, flick your wrist in the direction you want the card to travel.


  • Beginners should try starting with two cards in their hands until they can get it to work.
  • If cards don't go straight when you throw them try adding more spin or keeping the deck level.
  • Grip the deck very tightly between the index and little finger. This will require much more pressure when you flick the cards, thus increasing the speed of the spinning card. More spin means the card will fly with more stability.
  • If you shoot a card at the right angle, about sixty degrees towards the sky, you can have it "boomerang" back, just like a frisbee. This requires great spin.
  • Try shooting cards vertically and catching them in your other hand. With sufficient speed, it is possible to create an arc of cards from one hand to the other.
  • If you are good at this card trick, consider other card tricks in the wikiHow Card Tricks category.
  • Combine this with card tricks to create impressive effects. If people don't know what you're doing, it looks like a card is just flying out of the deck.
  • The distance the card travels is determined both by the spin on the card and the strength of the wrist flick. The wrist flick means more speed, while a faster spin means the card will travel more level.
  • Try shooting the card vertically and catching it somewhere in the middle of the deck.
  • Use a good sized deck of cards.


  • Practicing this trick for very long can strain the wrist. Take frequent breaks.
  • Be careful not to knock anything down or hit anyone in the eye. To be safe, don't shoot cards towards people or animals.
  • Don't practice outside during wind or near ceiling fans that will disrupt the card's travel.
  • Although this can be done with most packs of cards, the make of the cards will make a difference, try to go for a pack with an 'air-flow finish' such as 'Bicycle' cards.
  • When first learning, try shooting cards against a wall. Chances are the cards will go everywhere, and it isn't fun hunting them down.
  • Long fingernails may be a hindrance.

Things You'll Need

  • An ordinary deck of playing cards

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