Throw a Hook Punch
When executed correctly, the hook punch is one of the most powerful punches that you can throw. In this article, you will learn how to throw a proper hook. After some practice and training, it will be easy to throw an effective and accurate punch.
Knowing Your Surroundings
- Assess the situation before throwing a punch. </b> If you do not observe your surroundings, a punch will not help you much against a crew of people twice your size.
- Know your punching range.</b> A hook punch is most effective at close range.
- If you try to throw a hook too far from your opponent, they can block it, leaving you wide open for a punch to the face.
- Practice your punches and know how close or far away from your opponent you need to be for your punches to be effective.
If your opponent is far away from you, close up the distance between you and your opponent before executing a hook punch.
The Proper Stance
- Take a proper boxing stance.</b> In boxing, proper form is extremely important. Put both of your legs parallel to your shoulders, then bring your most dominant foot one half of a step back and slightly bend your knees. This will provide you with a pivot point.
- Keep a high guard. </b> Keep your fists in front of your face. Your hands should be lined up a bit outside of your eyes and a few inches away from your face. In this way you can also defend a punch being thrown at you.
Throwing the Hook
- Twist your body to your dominant foot side and rotate your front foot as if you are squishing a bug. </b> Simultaneously rotate your upper body as well.
- Follow through with your punch. </b> The hook is best executed when done in a fluid motion, using both the upper and lower body to follow through with the punch.
- Hit your adversary on a weak spot such as the temple or jaw. </b> Hitting the jaw with a hook can cause an instant knock-out of your opponent, and hitting the temple can cause an instant knock-out or death in desperate situations and if executed perfectly.
- Quickly recover from hitting your opponent and pull back to your guarding position. </b> This is a perfect time to execute a combo by throwing another punch at your target while they are off balance.
- Getting rotation from your hips is very important because this will separate your hook from either being a strong hook or a weak hook.
- Keep your other arm handy and ready to defend. If you see him trying to punch you with a straight punch, hit it away with the palm of your hand by opening your fist and making a lock-out motion with your hand upon contact with their fist. This will send their punch just outside your face and they will be off balance.
- Quickly retract back to guard position, you never know what your opponent may be able to counter with.
- Make sure to keep your fist tight and make contact with your first two knuckles.
- A jab punch followed by sudden lead hook can be more dangerous than rear uppercut hook.
- Fighting may result in legal prosecution, always be the one defending yourself, not the one instigating or pressing confrontation.
- Never anticipate anything your opponent does. All he needs to do is fake and if you bite on the fake, you will most likely lose the fight.
- The hook is not the quickest punch there is so you will be open for a long time.
- Your opponent may try to use his legs and arms to counter attack. Be ready.
- To avoid broken hands, use your arm above and with your elbow, you can deliver quicker and more powerful blows repeatedly.
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