Tie Dye a Shirt Using Kool Aid

Looking for a fun way to spice up your wardrobe? Why not bring out your artistic side and tie dye a shirt with Kool-Aid? It's fun, simple, and cheap. Making tie dye shirts is a fun project that has great results at the end.


  1. Put clean gloves on and change into old clothes. Cover your work area with newspaper. This can be quite messy.
  2. Fill the cups or bowls up a little over halfway with cold water.
  3. Rip open the Kool-Aid packets of your desired color and pour it into the cups of water individually.
  4. Stir with a spoon until the mixture has completely dissolved.
  5. Pour a cap full of vinegar into each cup and stir it with a spoon.
  6. Using rubber bands, pull and twist the T-shirt around to create a warped shape.
  7. Dip rubber banded ends of t-shirt into desired colors. Also any desired parts of the shirt into the mix.
  8. When finished dipping the t-shirt, place it into a plastic grocery bag and tie to make it airtight.
  9. Allow t-shirt to sit in the bag for 24 hours before removing from bag.
  10. Wash and dry the shirt.
  11. Enjoy your new Kool-Aid tie dye shirt!


  • Placing rubber bands in different ways can create different designs on your shirt.
  • It may wash out fast. Hand washing stuff like this is always a great option!
  • Make sure to wear old clothes because Kool-aid does stain.
  • Don't let too many colors mix together. It comes out looking ugly and a brownish color.


  • Do not pre-wash t-shirt with fabric softener or the Kool-Aid will not absorb well.
  • Do not drink the Kool-Aid afterwards.
  • This will get messy so this experiment is best done outside.
  • Kool-Aid may stain furniture.

Things You'll Need

  • Pre-washed white t-shirt
  • Unsweetened Kool-Aid packets (variety)
  • White vinegar
  • Plastic cups
  • Rubber bands
  • Plastic gloves
  • Grocery bag

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