Turn a Volunteer Position Into a Job
Getting involved with a volunteer organization that you are passionate about is not only a rewarding experience, it also opens the door for paid positions down the line. Volunteering can help you learn relevant skills, create a professional network, and provide experience for your resume that will help you land a paid job in the field of your choice. This applies both to getting a job at the organization you volunteer for and applying to similar jobs outside of the organization when your time working in a volunteer position ends.
Making the Most of Volunteering
- Volunteer at an organization where you can do relevant tasks. Identify organizations where you will be able to use skills you already have and develop new ones that will apply to the type of job you want. Approach finding volunteer work the same way you would look for an internship or a paid job. {{greenbox:
Tip: Be specific about the tasks that you want to do. Make a list of job duties that interest you the most, then use it to narrow down possible volunteer positions.}}- For example, if you want to work as a community manager, then volunteer at an organization that needs help managing their social media. This will open the pathway to a potential paid job within that organization, or at another organization doing the type of work you are interested in.
- Learn as much as you can while you are volunteering. Integrate with the organization to learn everything about it once you begin volunteering. Read up on the organization, listen to other staff members, and attend meetings to absorb all the information.
- Treat volunteering just as you would a paid job at any other company. You want to become an integral part of the organization in order to advance your career.
- Be committed and consistent with your volunteer work. Just because you are not getting paid doesn’t mean you can show up less often or work less. Commit to the job you are volunteering for, show up on time, and work hard to demonstrate your value to the organization.
- Always let your supervisors know if you will not be able to come to work one day. Make sure you have a valid reason not to show up.
- Showing that you are dedicated to the volunteer work will demonstrate that you would make a reliable employee.
- Go above and beyond to exceed the expectations of your role. Do your best to make a lasting impression on others at the organization. Look for ways you can help out that aren’t necessarily part of your regular duties, or ways to assist others at the organization and make their jobs easier.
- For instance, if you are volunteering as a social media manager, offer to help out with other marketing duties such as blogging or public relations outreach.
- Even if you don’t turn your volunteer work into a job at that particular organization, going above and beyond what’s expected of you can earn you some valuable references for future job applications.
- Track your achievements to show your success as a volunteer. Keep track of all the skills you learn and all of the successes you have during your time as a volunteer. These are facts that you will be able to include on your resume and when discussing job opportunities with the organization or other potential employers.
- While you are volunteering, you can keep a document or spreadsheet to track all of your achievements.
- For example, if you are volunteering as a social media manager, note down how much you grew the company’s social media following during your time as a volunteer. Keep a list of any skills you learned, such as apps or platforms you used to manage social media.
- Build as many relationships within the organization as you can. Treat networking while you are a volunteer as if it is part of your job description. People you build relationships with can be your advocates later on when you are trying to get a job.
- Try to get to know as many people as you can at the organization, even if you don’t work with them. You never know what connections will come in handy down the road.
- Little things like remembering someone’s birthday or other personal details about them can help you create a deeper connection with people you work with.
- Stay in touch with people you meet and maintain the connections. Add everyone you meet on professional networks such as LinkedIn or on other social media if you feel comfortable with it. Stay in touch with people you are closest to via email or other forms of communication, even after a volunteer position has ended.
- For example, you could email or otherwise share links to articles you know a particular person would be interested in. This will help people remember you and keep the connections going for when you want to land a job.
Landing a Paid Position Where You Volunteer
- Become indispensable to the organization in order to grow with it. Try to make your volunteer work essential to your supervisors and coworkers. You want them to feel that you have become a necessary part of the organization at the end of your volunteer work.
- Do work that matters and avoid the easier work whenever possible. This will demonstrate your value to the company as someone who is willing to tackle the hard stuff.
- Try to find tasks that only you know how to do so that the company relies on you to complete them. Learn a new skill that they need someone to perform at the company, such as speaking another language or how to code.
- Let the organization know that you are interested in a paid position. Tell people at the organization that you would be interested in working for them when your time as a volunteer is up. This will help make sure that they keep you in mind for future opportunities, even if there are none available at the moment.
- Look at the organization’s job postings and apply to any that are relevant. Check the organization’s online job postings for paid jobs to apply for. Ask the recruiting department about opportunities and be the first to apply.
- This is where those achievements you tracked as a volunteer come in handy! Make sure to put all the skills you learned and any quantifiable successes on your resume and in your job applications.
- Speak to the connections you made about job opportunities and applications. Let your supervisor at the organization know that you submitted an application for a job. This will help put you at the top of the list of applicants.
Tip: Consider making a proposal to your boss at the organization about what you think you could do if hired as a paid employee. Communicate what you want and what the organization’s needs are, followed by how you will be able to help fulfill those needs as an employee to solve a specific problem. Make sure to include what resources they would need to hire you such as salary, desk space, and anything else that is relevant.}}- Even if there are no jobs posted at the organization, you can still talk to your connections about opportunities and perhaps you will open a door or they will contact you when there are jobs available.
Using Volunteer Experience to Find a Job
- Include your volunteer experience on your resume. You might decide that you don’t want to work at the organization you volunteered at, or there may simply not be an opportunity there. Include relevant volunteer positions, duties, and skills you learned on your resume to apply for jobs elsewhere.
- Hiring managers often consider volunteer experience as equal to internships or paid work. Your volunteer work demonstrates that you are willing to dive in and take on responsibilities at an organization, even if you aren’t getting paid to do so.
- Make sure to update your professional networks, such as LinkedIn, as well. Add all your skills and achievements from your volunteer position so that recruiters can find you for relevant jobs.
- You can even let people who you volunteered with know that you're looking for a paid job and ask them if you can use them as references.
- Show how the volunteer experience gave you relevant skills for the job. List the most important skills you learned from volunteering for the specific type of job you want. Portray yourself as the ideal employee and prove that the volunteering experience taught you applicable skills.
Tip: It’s ok to leave volunteer experiences off your resume that won’t be relevant. For example, if you are applying to a tech job, then you don’t need to include every bit of community service you have done. On the other hand, if you are applying to a non-profit, then you might want to leave everything on to show that you fit into their culture of giving back.}}- If you’re applying to different types of jobs, then you will need to create different versions of your resume and tailor them to match the criteria of each job you want to apply for.
{{greenbox: - Apply to jobs that interest you at other organizations. Search for jobs in the field you want to work in and send your resume to any that appeal to you. Your volunteer work makes you more qualified for entry-level jobs than someone with no experience.
- Be prepared to discuss your volunteer experience during job interviews. Refer to your achievements, successes, and skills that you learned to demonstrate to interviewers how you will be an asset to their organization.
- https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/volunteering-job-2/
- https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/volunteering-job-2/
- https://idealistcareers.org/6-tips-for-turning-a-volunteer-position-into-a-job/
- https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/volunteering-job-2/
- https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/volunteer-to-full-time-employment
- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/volunteer-work-5-ways-to-use-it-to-get-a-paying-job/
- https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/volunteering-job-2/
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/09/05/17-ways-to-be-indispensable-at-work/#39647de4274d
- https://nonprofithub.org/volunteer-recruiting/turn-volunteer-opportunities-job-employer-employee/
- https://nonprofithub.org/volunteer-recruiting/turn-volunteer-opportunities-job-employer-employee/
- https://nonprofithub.org/volunteer-recruiting/turn-volunteer-opportunities-job-employer-employee/
- https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/volunteer-to-full-time-employment
- https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/add-volunteering-to-your-resume/
- https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/volunteer-to-full-time-employment