Be a Female Bodyguard

If you want to become a female bodyguard you should have in mind some facts, what is the reality of this professional, how to choose the right course, etc


  1. First of all you need to be sure what being a close protection agent means. Yes, it is more than a glamorous and well paid job. You are there in order to provide security to a person than is in need of it. So that includes some life threatening situations depending on client's risk status, many working hours and following your client's schedule.
  2. Do good research on training courses. In the web you will find available many of them by different training groups. In some cases you will see even companies that provide security guards and services that provide also close protection training. So number one that you have to pay attention to is who is giving the course, is it a certified company that provides different security training courses or is just a security company that provides ALSO that. The difference here is that the first ones have the experience in that specific topic, so that make them more reliable to train you, they have the knowledge, the specialization and the materials to train you, the second one is just a security company who is trying to play in the training field too.
  3. When you find a company that suits your need the second thing is to look the company’s reputation and certification. Believe it or not we have seen companies providing training without having the necessarily license to do it
  4. Ask from the company to learn in general their instructors experience, for sure they won't never reveal you their detailed background but some general information will help you. If one instructor has law enforcement or PI experience does it make him/her the right one to teach in bodyguarding class? Depend on what he/she is teaching, so try to combine their experience with what they are in charge to teach. Don’t be afraid of trusting your training to a new company as long as they are using experienced instructors. It doesn’t necessarily mean that a new company is not reliable because is new in functioning. The experience and the background of the people who are behind it are important to view and evaluate.
  5. Have a good look on the course curriculum, do you find enough what are they teaching for your professional career? Compare different curriculums among different companies.
  6. See the duration of the training course they provide. Usually someone who wants to become a close protection agent has to attend the Basic Bodyguarding Training Course. The duration of this course vary from 8 to 10 days with a 10 hours training per day. We have seen companies that provide courses of 3 days duration. We all know that time is money, but makes you wonder what are you going to learn in 3 days that will make you ready to work and provide another persons safety.


  • You have to have in mind that bodyguard training courses costs, and they cost a lot, so before you spend your money on your training be sure that you will take a training course that will prepare you for being a professional close protection agent.

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