Unblock Someone on Facebook

If you're ready to unblock someone on Facebook, open the Facebook Settings page and click the Blocking option in the left menu. You'll find a list of people you have blocked in the Block users section of the page. Click the Unblock link next to the person that you want to unblock. You can also learn how to unblock blocked apps.


  1. Login to Facebook. After you are logged in, click the ▼ button next to the Security button in the upper-right corner of the Facebook toolbar.
  2. Click Settings. This will open the Facebook Settings page.
  3. Click the "Blocking" option in the left menu. This will change the page to show all of your blocking controls.
  4. Find your list of blocked users. In the "Block users" section you will see a list of people you have blocked. Unblock them by clicking the blue "Unblock" link next to their name. A message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to unblock this user.
  5. Unblock apps. Besides blocking people, you may have blocked messages from certain apps in the past. you can unblock these apps from the same page. Find the list of blocked apps in the "Block apps" section. You can unblock them by clicking the "Unblock" links next to their name.


  • You can block invites and applications on the same page. It's easy, fast, and you will never have to open a new account and lose all your other data.
  • You can also block other people while you're unblocking. You can type in their email address(es) and name(s), and then block them.


  • Keep in mind that once you take someone off your block list, you will have to wait 48 hours before you can add them back again.

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