Understand and Use the NATO Phonetic Alphabet
In the militaries of all NATO nations, a series of world renown call letters and numbers are used to clearly transmit and receive verbal messages of the spelling of certain names or other information. Also, these call letters and numbers are given as titles to certain teams or territories so no mistakes of specifics become present. (i.e. Bravo Team, Sector Echo) The main purpose is simplicity along with easy pronunciation. Sometimes the misspelling of any data can have catastrophic consequences.
- Substitute the following words for each letter of the word. Note the specific pronunciations.
A Alpha Al-fah B Bravo Brah-voh C Charlie Char-lee D Delta Dell-tah E Echo Eck-oh F Foxtrot Foks-trot G Golf Golf H Hotel Hoh-tel I India In-dee-ah J Juliet Jew-lee-et K Kilo Key-loh L Lima Lee-mah M Mike Mike N November No-vem-ber O Oscar Oss-car P Papa Pah-pah Q Quebec Keh-beck R Romeo Row-me-oh S Sierra See-air-rah T Tango Tang-go U Uniform Yoo-nih-form V Victor Vik-tore W Whiskey Wiss-key X Xray Ecks-ray Y Yankee Yang-key Z Zulu Zoo-loo 1 One Wun 2 Two Too 3 Three Tree 4 Four Fow-er 5 Five Fife 6 Six six 7 Seven Sev-en 8 Eight Ait 9 Nine Nin-er 0 Zero Zee-ro - Memorize the list so you can easily substitute the appropriate word for each letter. This makes speaking the actual alphabet simple.
- Practice with a friend to become fluent in NATO phonetics
- If you have a friend to practice with you can get them to fire letters at you randomly and you tell them the answer-eg
- You can make up your own code by assigning different words for each letter.
- If you have trouble remembering the word that goes to any number or letter, approach this as if studying for a Spanish or French test. Constantly write down the alphabet and next to it repeatedly write the corresponding word to jam it into memory.
- " 1-s
- Person 2-Tango
- " 2-India
- Person 1-t
- When driving in traffic and stopped at lights etc. practise by reciting the licence plate # of the vehicle in front of you using the NATO phonetic alphabet.
- " 2-Sierra
- " 1-I
- etc...
- Alfa is spelt Alpha in the UK but pronounced the same.
- Use this when spelling details such as you name and address on the telephone to foreign call centres.
- This is not a secret code, simply a means to avoid confusion between similar sounding letters such as B and D, M and N, and so on, when being read over low-quality radio or from distances.
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