Uninstall Avast! Free Antivirus 7
To completely uninstall avast! Free Antivirus 7 from your computer, you need to remove the avast! Internet Security (Size, 375.00MB), the Google Chrome (Size, 166.00MB) and the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable – x86 9.0. 30729 .4148 (Size, 10.19MB), which are listed in Add or Remove Programs or Change or uninstall a program (for Windows 7/Vista Operating System). Read more details below.
- Launch the Change/Remove option for avast! Internet Security item.
- Enter the Uninstall section on avast! INTERNET SECURITY Setup.
- Click on Yes button on avast! Uninstall info box.
- You could send your feedback to avast!.
- Save your personal data, restart your computer.
- Remove the Google Chrome and the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable – x86 9.0. 30729 .4148.
- For "AIS - 7" traces left, and, for more tips, you can review the video demo below to clean them from your computer.