Uninstall ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5

To quickly uninstall ESET NOD 32 Antivirus (version, you can launch the Uninstall command in ESET NOD 32 Antivirus. Read more tips below.


  1. Click on your Home key > Programs > ESET > ESET NOD 32 Antivirus, run the Uninstall item in it.
  2. Click on the Next > option from ESET NOD 32 Antivirus Setup.
  3. Enter the Remove option from Modify, Repair or Remove installation section.
  4. You could send your NOD32 experience to ESET spol. s r.o.via checking the "I want to submit the questionnaire data" option from Questionnaire step. Click Next > button.
  5. Launch the Remove option from Remove ESET NOD 32 Antivirus. Wait then.
  6. Click Finish from the Completing the ESET NOD32 Antivirus Setup Wizard.
  7. Ensure that you've saved all your wok, please click Yes from Installer Information.
  8. Launch the Search to find out and then remove ESET NOD32 remains in your system.
  9. Click Start, visit the Run... link on it. Enter regedit, click Enter to open up Registry Editor.
  10. Press Ctrl key + F key, then the F3 key to manually detect and delete NOD32 registry entries left in Registry Editor.


  • Before you are about to modify Registry Editor, please clean Internet temporary files; run a virus scan; backup and save the Registry files in a non-system disk.

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