Uninstall ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5
To quickly uninstall ESET NOD 32 Antivirus (version, you can launch the Uninstall command in ESET NOD 32 Antivirus. Read more tips below.
- Click on your Home key > Programs > ESET > ESET NOD 32 Antivirus, run the Uninstall item in it.
- Click on the Next > option from ESET NOD 32 Antivirus Setup.
- Enter the Remove option from Modify, Repair or Remove installation section.
- You could send your NOD32 experience to ESET spol. s r.o.via checking the "I want to submit the questionnaire data" option from Questionnaire step. Click Next > button.
- Launch the Remove option from Remove ESET NOD 32 Antivirus. Wait then.
- Click Finish from the Completing the ESET NOD32 Antivirus Setup Wizard.
- Ensure that you've saved all your wok, please click Yes from Installer Information.
- Launch the Search to find out and then remove ESET NOD32 remains in your system.
- Click Start, visit the Run... link on it. Enter regedit, click Enter to open up Registry Editor.
- Press Ctrl key + F key, then the F3 key to manually detect and delete NOD32 registry entries left in Registry Editor.
- Before you are about to modify Registry Editor, please clean Internet temporary files; run a virus scan; backup and save the Registry files in a non-system disk.