Unmould a Jelly

After going to the effort of making jelly, especially jelly made into a clever shape, it can be helpful to know how to unmold it successfully. The base of the jelly mould forms a vacuum and it this vacuum that must be broken in order to remove the jelly successfully. This article provides two very simple and effective methods.


Warm water method

  1. Fill a bowl with warm water. The bowl should be larger than the jelly mould.
  2. Place the mould in the warm water. Be careful not to submerse the jelly!
  3. Allow to stand for just a few seconds and then remove.
  4. Turn out the jelly. It should keep its shape perfectly.

Hot water method

  1. Fill a bowl with hot water.
  2. Dip the jelly mould into the hot water three times.
  3. Place on a firm bench. Press the jelly around the edge, using your finger. Gently pull away from the edge around the whole jelly.
  4. Turn the jelly mould onto a plate. Place your hands over both the base of the plate and the base of the mould. Shake quickly and sharply and the jelly should release.
  5. Finished.


  • If you are willing to prepare your jelly mould before adding the jelly mixture to set, you can use an alternative method. This method involves rinsing the mould in cold water and coating it with salad oil. After the jelly has set, it will not only unmould very easily but there will be a glossy look to your jelly.
  • Jelly is the British/Australian/NZ term. It is more commonly referred to as Jell-O in North America.
  • It can help to rinse a plate with cold water before adding the jelly. When you take the jelly out of the mold, you can tilt the plate to centre the jelly.

Things You'll Need

  • Jelly in mould, set
  • Bowl large enough to fit jelly mold
  • Warm water

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