Use Aloe Vera to Treat Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is an uncomfortable condition that causes pain and irritation in your chest or upper abdominal area.[1] This condition can be triggered by smoking, overeating, eating foods that are fatty, spicy, or high in caffeine, stress, obesity, and certain medications.[2] You can use aloe vera in liquid form to treat your acid reflux, in combination with lifestyle changes. If your acid reflux does not improve within two weeks of using aloe vera, you should see your doctor.


Buying Aloe Vera

  1. Look for aloe vera in liquid form. Aloe vera in liquid form, as a gel or juice, is considered safe to consume orally. The leaf part of the aloe vera is a laxative and is not recommended for daily consumption.[3]
    • Aloe vera gel is known to taste more bitter than aloe vera juice. The gel comes from the inner part of the aloe leaf and the juice comes from the outer portions of the leaf.
  2. Check that the product is herbicide and pesticide free. When you are shopping for liquid aloe vera, you should check that the product is labeled free of herbicides and pesticides. This is an important label as you are going to be consuming the aloe vera and you do not want to ingest any toxic byproducts.[4]
    • You should also look for aloe vera juice and gel that is labeled 99% aloe.
  3. Look for a seal of approval from an independent testing organization. Like many supplements and natural products, aloe vera products are not regulated by the Federal Drug Administration. But reputable producers will advertise any independent testing that has been done on the product to ensure it is effective.[4]
    • Look for a seal of approval from the Natural Products Association (NPA), NSF International or the US Pharmacopeia (USP).
  4. Note if the label says “flash pasteurization.” During the processing of aloe vera, it is exposed to heat to keep it sterile. However, you should go for an aloe vera gel or juice that has been through “flash pasteurization.” This means it has been processed with the least amount of heat for the shortest period of time.
    • When aloe vera is exposed to heat for a prolonged period of time, it can start to lose some of its vitamins and minerals. “Flash pasteurization” ensures the aloe vera is sterile but still contains many of its natural medicinal properties.[4]

Taking Aloe Vera

  1. Take two ounces of aloe vera juice before you eat. Though dosage will vary depending on the manufacturer of the aloe vera product, you can start by taking two fluid ounces of aloe vera juice three to four times a day. Take the juice twenty minutes before you eat.
    • If you are taking aloe vera gel, you can take two fluid ounces of gel two to three times a day, before meals. The taste of aloe vera can be strong so you can dilute the aloe vera gel or juice in a glass of water or herbal tea.
    • Though aloe vera gel capsules have not be studied specifically for the treatment of acid reflux, you can follow the manufacturer’s instructions. In general, you can take one to two soft gel capsules, two to three times a day, before meals.
    • Always follow the dosage specified by the manufacturer on the label, as dosage can vary from product to product. Do not take more than the recommended dosage as aloe vera can be toxic in high doses.[4]
  2. Be aware of the possible side effects of aloe vera. Aloe vera is considered safe to consume in gel or juice form, but there are negative side effects associated with this plant. You should be aware of the side effects before you take aloe vera for acid reflux.[5][6]
    • You may experience loose stools and diarrhea, though the laxative effect often occurs when you eat the aloe leaf. Aloe vera juice can also lead to lower blood sugar levels, as well as stomach pain and stomach cramps.[3]
    • Aloe vera can sometimes also cause rashes and skin irritation.
    • If you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, you should talk to your doctor before taking aloe vera.
  3. Make lifestyle changes while you take aloe vera. Combining aloe vera juice or gel with lifestyle changes can make a significant impact on your acid reflux. You should consider adjusting your lifestyle if it seems to be causing your acid reflux.[7]
    • You may make changes like quitting smoking and taking up exercise to reduce your weight.
    • You may also adjust your eating habits to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux and to avoid irritating your acid reflux. For example, you may eat smaller portions for each meal to put less stress on your stomach and avoid eating two to three hours before bed so you do not lie down with food in your stomach. You may also eat more slowly so your stomach can digest your food easily and quickly.
    • You should also wear clothing that does not constrict your abdomen or stomach, as this can irritate your stomach and lead to acid reflux.
  4. Take over-the-counter medications if your condition does not improve. If you do not see an improvement in your acid reflux symptoms after two weeks of taking aloe vera gel or juice and making lifestyle adjustments, you may want to take OTC medication for acid reflux. You can take antacids to help neutralize the acid and they often improve your symptoms within two weeks. Follow the dosage instructions on the label.[8]
    • You can also take H2 blockers, which help to decrease your stomach’s secretion of acid. You can get low doses of H2 blockers over the counter at your local pharmacy or drugstore. Note that H2 blockers have several side effects, including constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, hives, and nausea or vomiting.
    • If your condition does not improve after you take OTC medications for two to three weeks, you should see your doctor. You may need stronger prescription medication or you may have another medical issue that is causing your acid reflux.

Sources and Citations