Use Coconut Aminos

Coconut aminos are becoming more and more popular to flavor a variety of dishes, especially in many paleo and gluten-free diets. Coconut aminos are a savory, vegan, gluten-free condiment made mostly from aged coconut sap and sea salt.[1] You can find coconut aminos at many health foods stores or at an increasing number of grocery stores, usually near the soy sauce section. Use coconut aminos for simple and creative recipes. Be aware that coconut aminos are high in salt (though not as high as soy sauce) and may not be appropriate to use if you follow a low-salt diet.


Embracing Simple Uses of Coconut Aminos

  1. Replace soy sauce. Substitute coconut aminos any time a recipe calls for soy sauce. This will lower the salt content of the meal. Coconut aminos are vegan, so this is a great option if you’re vegan or paleo and your recipe requires soy sauce.[2]
    • Try dipping sushi in coconut aminos instead of soy sauce.
    • Use it in stir fry.
  2. Use it instead of salt. Because of its high salt content (90mg per teaspoon), you can use coconut aminos in recipes instead of adding extra salt. This will enrich the flavor as well as giving you the salty taste you want.
  3. Add it to dishes to deepen the flavor. Add a few dashes of coconut aminos to almost any dish to enrich the flavor. Though it’s made from the coconut palm, the product doesn’t taste like coconut and is actually made from a different part of the plant. It’s slightly sweet but mostly rich and savory. Incorporate small amounts – 1-2 teaspoons – into soup, broth, curry, fried rice, or anything you sauté for a boost in flavor.[2]
  4. Top your snacks with it. Drizzle your popcorn with coconut aminos. Bake potato or sweet potato chips with coconut aminos, garlic, olive oil, and dill for a delicious snack.[3] Even add a small amount of coconut aminos to a semi-sweet dessert like pecan pie.

Cooking Creatively with Coconut Aminos

  1. Marinate with it. Try making a savory marinade for chicken, salmon, or even vegetables. Mix coconut aminos with vegetable oil, lemon, lime, honey, garlic, and any herbs or spices you like.[2] Let your meat or veggies soak in the marinade overnight before cooking.
  2. Make a savory dipping sauce. Make a blend of coconut aminos, sesame oil, and lime juice to use as a dipping sauce. This is a great option for meatballs or other appetizers made for dipping.[2]
  3. Work it into your tomato sauce. Add coconut aminos to any sauce or dish made with a tomato base. It can darken the color, enrich the flavor, and can take the place of added salt.[3]
  4. Make salad dressing. Incorporate coconut aminos into Make Salad Dressing for a savory twist. Mix it into a mustard vinaigrette, or add a dash to Make Caesar Salad Dressing.[2] Add finely chopped ginger to a mix of olive oil and coconut aminos for a tangy option.[1]
  5. Add it to your bloody mary. Throw a dash of coconut aminos into a bloody mary to enrich the flavor. This can be used to replace soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce in a bloody mary recipe.[2]


  • Coconut aminos are gluten free, vegan, and non-GMO.[4]
  • Keep coconut aminos refrigerated once opened.[5]


  • Though coconut aminos are touted to be great for your health, there’s no scientific backing that they have any health benefits.[6] Use them if you like the flavor or want to follow a vegan or paleo diet, but do not expect other physical or mental benefits.
  • Coconut aminos are often more expensive than soy sauce and other condiments.
  • A teaspoon of coconut aminos contains around 90 mg of sodium (salt).[6] Though this is a lot less than soy sauce, it’s still a lot of salt in a small amount of product. If you follow a low salt diet due to a medical condition, talk to your doctor about whether the salt content of coconut aminos is safe for you. Eating a high-salt diet can contribute to high blood pressure, which can cause many health problems.
  • Do not use coconut aminos if you are allergic to coconut. If you try coconut aminos and have any reaction such as itching or swelling of your throat or tongue, stop using it immediately and see your doctor right away. Call emergency services if you have trouble breathing.

Sources and Citations