Use Eccentric Training

Eccentric training has numerous benefits such as increased strength, muscle mass and flexibility. Although every strength training exercise involves a lifting (concentric) and a lowering (eccentric) phase, most people focus on the lifting part of the exercise. With eccentric training, you focus more on the lowering phase of your strength training exercises. You can do any strength training exercise with a focus on eccentric training, as well as specific exercises with an eccentric focus, such as the nordic hamstring curl.[1]


Integrating Eccentric Training Into Your Routine

  1. Focus on the lowering portion of the exercise. To do eccentric overload training, you need to focus your efforts on the lowering part of each of your exercises. By focusing on the eccentric or lowering part of the exercise, you can build more muscle, strength, connective tissue and flexibility.[2] You need to lower the weight in a controlled rhythm.[1]
    • If you are doing a bench press, focus on the lowering of the bar to your chest.
    • If you are doing squats, focus on the part where you move your body into the starting position.
    • If you are doing bicep curls, focus on the lowering of the weight away from your body.
  2. Do eccentric overload training once per week. Accentuated eccentric or eccentric overload training involves pushing yourself in both the concentric and eccentric phases of weight training, but with slightly more emphasis on the eccentric phase.[3] Since it takes a long time to recover from this type of training, you should only do it once per week.[1]
  3. Maximize the eccentric load. In order to see any benefits from eccentric training, you need to use more weight during the eccentric (lowering) phase than in the concentric (lifting) phase. There are three main ways of increasing your weight load during the eccentric phase:[1]
    • Lift a weight with two limbs and then lower it with one limb.
    • Ask your weight lifting partner to press down on the weight during the lowering phase.
    • Use lifting aids such as eccentric hooks that you attach to the weight prior to lowering.[2]
  4. Use a controlled eccentric phase of one to three seconds. When you are lowering the barbell after a bicep curl or other exercise, you should take no longer than three seconds. Your muscles will not grow as much if you use longer eccentric phases during your weight training.[1]
    • Faster eccentric contractions are associated with more muscle building potential.[1]

Trying Eccentric Exercises

  1. Try cable exercises. Cable exercises allow for a more natural range of motion. They are excellent for eccentric training because they involve a great range of motion, which helps pack on muscle.[4] Focus on the eccentric phase of cable exercises. Try integrating the following four cable exercises into your eccentric routine:[5]
    • Standing cable chest press.
    • Standing cable pull-throughs.
    • Low-to-high chops.
    • Single-arm, single-leg row.
  2. Do eccentric pushups. Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart on the ground in front of you. Put your feet at hip width apart on the ground behind you. Keep your whole body straight.[6] Slowly lower yourself to the ground. It should take you ten seconds to reach the ground. Then, push yourself up with a burst of energy. The concentric phase should be one second.[4]
    • Try two sets of ten eccentric pushups.
  3. Perform eccentric squats. Get into starting position, with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Slowly, lower your knees towards the ground for a count of ten seconds. Then, push yourself back up towards the starting position. The concentric phase should last one second.[4]
    • Perform two sets of ten squats.
  4. Do eccentric bent over rows. Hold the barbell with your palms facing down. Bend your knees and move your whole torso slightly forward. Keep your back straight. Breathe out and lift the barbell towards you.[7] The lifting phase should last one second. Then, lower the barbell for a count of five.[4]
  5. Perform a nordic hamstring curl. Kneel on the ground. Secure your ankles and engage your core. Let your arms fall to your sides and look straight ahead.[8] Breathe in and then gradually lower yourself to the ground. Keep your core engaged and your torso straight.[9] Finally, press yourself back up to the starting position.[3]
    • Ask a partner to hold your ankles for the duration of the exercise.[9]
    • If you are training alone, you should find a low bar or railing. Place your ankles underneath the bar, so that you will be supported during the exercise.
    • If you can’t find a partner or a bar at the gym, you could use barbells. Place your ankles underneath the barbells. You will need heavier weights of at least thirty-five pounds.
  6. Do a band-assisted nordic. You may want to try the band-assisted nordic, especially if you are having a hard time lowering yourself slowly during the last stages of the eccentric movement. To get the benefits of the full range of motion, tie a band to a piece of weight lifting equipment behind you. Hold it with your hands as you perform the nordic lift.[10]
    • The resistance from the band will allow you to lower yourself slowly and receive the benefits of the full range of eccentric motion.

Taking Precautions

  1. Warm up prior to eccentric training. It is very important to do a warm up routine prior to eccentric training, since you will be challenging your body in a new way. Do a warm up activity for five to ten minutes prior to your exercise routine.[11] You should warm up at a a low level of intensity that allows you to easily have a conversation with a friend while doing the activity. You could try one of the following warm ups:[12]
    • Jog on a treadmill or outside.
    • Ride a bike for ten minutes.
    • Use the rowing machine for ten minutes.
  2. Do dynamic stretching prior to training. After warming up, you should do some dynamic stretching to maintain range of motion and prevent injury. Dynamic stretching involves continuously moving through a stretch, rather than holding a stretch. Try some of the following stretches:[12]
    • Make arm circles in both directions.
    • Touch your toes and then reach up to the ceiling.
    • Kick your legs.
  3. Begin with fewer repetitions. Since eccentric training often involves a long recovery period, you should start out by doing fewer repetitions of your usual exercises.[11]
    • As you build up strength and muscle mass, you can build up your repetitions.
  4. Maintain correct exercise form. Maintaining proper form is important for preventing injury and properly targeting muscles during strength training.[13] It is especially important to maintain correct form when doing eccentric training. [11]
    • If you are not sure how to do an exercise, you should consult with a physical trainer or kinesiologist.


  • Eccentrics may worsen joint pain for individuals with osteoarthritis or other joint pain.[11]
  • Consult a physician if you are recovering from an injury and want to do eccentric exercises.[11]
  • Lactate levels may rise more than with concentric exercises.[11]
  • You may experience muscle soreness for one or two days after the eccentric routine.[11]


  • If you are an older adult, you should use a supported machine to perform eccentrics.[11]

Sources and Citations