Use Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a service that generates search engine results, based on criteria provided by you, and delivers the results to your e-mail account. This service is useful for many reasons, such as monitoring the web for specific information about your company, your kids, your online content's popularity or your competition. You can also use it to keep up to date with new advancements, celebrity gossip or current trends.


  1. Open the website. Once you have a web browser open, type “Google Alerts” into your search engine or go directly to the website This will bring you to the Google Alerts home page.
  2. Enter your search. Enter the topic you would like to receive alerts on. As soon as you begin typing, a sample of your first Google alert will appear. If you are not getting the results you expected, you can change your input right away.
  3. Create the Alert. Enter a valid email address, which Google will use to send you the results of your query. Then complete the process by clicking on the red CREATE ALERT button. You will receive an email from Google Alerts asking you to confirm or cancel this request. Once you confirm the request, you will begin receiving your alerts. Your first basic Google Alert is now complete.
  4. Choose source type. There are some additional options available to tailor your search to your particular needs. For instance, you may choose the type of sources you wish to search from. The default is everything, which is a good choice if you're not sure which to pick. The other options are: News, Blogs, Video, Discussions and Books. If you have a look at this screenshot, the same topic is chosen as in the original example, but the source is changed to video. You can see how this changes the type of results you would receive.
  5. Choose the frequency. You can now indicate how often you would like the results to be delivered to your inbox. You have the options of once a week, once a day, or as-it-happens. The as-it-happens setting may deliver the results to your inbox multiple times a day, depending on how often the query appears in the news stream. If this is likely to be annoying, don't choose that option. Once a day and once a week will stockpile the results and only deliver them on your schedule. The default for this option is once a day.
  6. Select search volume. The last choice you have is to set the volume. This allows you to switch the volume between only the best results, in which Google filters your results for relevance to the topic, and all results.
  7. Click the CREATE ALERT button. Enter your details to login.
  8. If you wish to add a new search while logged in, simply type in a new search in the search bar and follow the previous steps.
  9. Modify current searches. While signed in, you can also modify any current searches you have. Beside each alert is an Edit button (see black arrow). This allows you to modify your keywords as well as the volume and frequency of how alerts are delivered. You also have the choice of having the alert delivered to your inbox or directly into an RSS feed (see red arrows). Once you're done, you must either save or cancel the changes you have made.
  10. Delete the alerts you don't want. If you wish to delete one or more of your alerts, check off the box directly to the left of it (see red arrows). Once a box is ticked, the Delete button will become available (see black arrow). Once you click delete, your search will be removed. If you want it back, you'll have to re-create it.


  • The same rules apply here as when you enter a search in a normal search engine. For example, you can use quotes to receive searches that only include the exact words given or use a negative sign to exclude certain results.
  • Broad searches will provide lots of results; you may want to narrow them down.
  • If your query is really specific, you may not get a result every day.
  • If you're not receiving any results, check to make sure they're not being directed to your spam inbox. You may need to add Google Alerts to your contacts if this is the case.


  • If you decide to use the advanced features, you will have to accept Google’s user agreement. It is advisable that you read this contract before you accept it.
  • Google Alerts is a free service; if you enter you will enter a different site not affiliated with Google. It provides similar services for a fee.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
  • Valid email account
  • Google account (to access the advanced features)

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