Use a Motorcycle Horn
Riding a motorcycle may seem like a viable option for a number of people, especially if they want to save money on gasoline. Unfortunately, the risks posed by motorcycle riding are numerous. It is important to understand the basics of using a motorcycle horn properly in order to maintain the safety of the cyclists and other motorists.
- Keep your thumb near the horn. Make sure the horn is large enough to be easily accessed, yet still small enough to avoid blocking your line of sight.
- It is especially important that you're ready to use the horn while passing another vehicle. This aids in making your presence known in case of an emergency.
- Toot your horn at other cyclists or pedestrians. This should be done for the safety of both individuals involved.
- While it is not essential to "lay on the horn" in this situation, it is important to alert the other individual of your presence. A short "beep" is more than enough.
- Honk your horn loudly, and for an extended period, during a crisis.
- A motorcycle horn should be honked loudly when the you fear another car, truck or SUV is about to cut you off. If you are concerned that the automobile driver does not see you, and is about to move into your lane, the horn should be used immediately to attract attention.
- Individuals who are new to riding motorcycles should consider taking a safety class in order to ensure optimal results on the road. In most cases, these are offered at a relatively reasonable rate through many city or county agencies. Make sure that any class you are considering offers practical experience, and not only lectures, in order to gain experience using the safety features of the motorcycle.
- If your motorcycle does not currently have a horn installed, consider installing one as soon as possible. This is a relatively easy process and can be done by many body shops in a few hours. In most cases, a horn can be purchased directly from the shop that will be installing it onto the bike.
- Motorcyclists should always be on the lookout for dangerous situations and avoid them as much as possible to ensure their safety. Serious accidents and crashes can often be prevented by avoiding dangerous circumstances, such as driving late at night, traveling on overly crowded highways and riding in inclement weather.