Use a Speed Square

A speed square is actually the shape of a triangle, initially designed in 1925 by Albert J. Swanson. It has been used as a fast and accurate way to mark roof rafters. Today, it helps carpenters to do much more and is instrumental in any construction project, big or small. The speed square has gradations marked with degree measurements, which helps to simplify material layout and lumber cutting. Also called a layout square or an angle square, its "Speed Square" name is used to reflect the time that can be saved by avoiding angle measurements and calculations. Use a speed square to draw straight lines or mark angles in construction work.


  1. Draw square lines. Use the speed square to mark lines on wood at exactly 90 degrees to the wood's edge. Hold the tool against the end of the board. The lipped edge on the speed square will help line it up. Use the side of the square to mark the needed lines on the wood. Use the square to locate and mark studs, positioning floor joists, and laying out stair stringers.
  2. Align pieces of wood at a right angle. When building cabinets, boxes, or other furniture pieces, hold the speed square against the wood to measure angles before cutting or attaching pieces of wood.
  3. Make a 45 degree line. Put the square firmly against the board and mark the location of the diagonal edge to create a 45 degree line. As an isosceles triangle, the square's diagonal edge is exactly at 45 degrees angle.
  4. Read and mark angles. Look for the pivot point at the corner of the speed square. Each line along the diagonal edge represents 1 degree, and they go from 0 to 90. Hold the pivot point against the board, and adjust the square until the degree gradation needed is aligned with the edge of the board. Use a pencil to draw a line along the square.
  5. Mark a parallel line. Press the square against the edge of the wood and place a pencil tip into the notch that measures the number of inches needed. Slide the square along the wood with the pencil in the notch. This will produce a straight line that runs parallel to the edge of the wood.
  6. Guide a portable circular saw. Position the square flatly on the board to be cut. Slide the saw shoe against the square, and cut. The saw will cut steadily and accurately because the speed square is thicker than a framing square or combination square.


  • The speed square comes in 2 sizes, a 7 inch (17.78 cm) pocket version, which can travel in most portable tool kits and a larger 12 inch (30.48 cm) version which is often used for stationary work.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood or board
  • Pencil
  • Circular saw

Related Articles

  • Use a Carpenter Square

Sources and Citations

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