Use the Cocoppa App

Want to change the look of your homepage without jailbreaking? CocoPPa is a useful app that allows you to do just that. Just follow these steps and you'll be there in no time.


Setup Your Account

  1. Go to the App Store and search for and download CocoPPa.
  2. Once it has finished downloading, open the app.
  3. Click to “Sign up (Free)”. Remember, there is no cost to sign up or use this service.
  4. Read the Terms and Conditions and click “Agree”.
  5. Choose whether to sign up using a social media login you already have, or create a new account entirely.
  6. Fill in the Required Items (user name, gender, and country) and select a profile image and write a short bio if you wish.
  7. Select a few designers to follow right off the bat if you desire. You will be able to see all of your followed designers’ new creations on your Feed. Click “Done” once you have finished.

Download Icons

  1. To browse icons, wallpapers, and stamps, use the menu at the top of the page.
  2. To view updates from those you follow, look at new messages you’ve received from CocoPPa developers and users, or organize your own page of creations, click Feed, News, and Mypage respectively from the bottom menu tabs. Also, to upload a creation of your own, click on the pink-and-white icon of a camera and an upward arrow.
  3. If you find an icon you like, click on it and click “Set up link” on the description page.
  4. Choose whether you’d like the ion to redirect to another app, set up conversation with a pre-set recipient, or open a pre-set URL in Safari.
  5. If you choose “App Search” to redirect it to another app, scroll down to find the right app or use the search bar above to look it up manually.
  6. Click “OK”, then click “Yes”. A Safari window will automatically open for you to download the icon.
  7. Follow the onscreen instructions: click on the “Share” button (the little box with an arrow pointing out) and click “Add to Home Screen.
  8. Type in the preferred name for your icon and click “Add”.

Download Wallpapers

  1. If you find a wallpaper you like, click on it and click “Save to camera Roll”.
    • You will be prompted to allow CocoPPa to access your photos so that the app can save the image. Click “OK”.
  2. Set the image as your wallpaper by clicking the “Share” button from the bottom left corner and selecting “Use as Wallpaper”.
  3. Orient the image the way you like and click “Set” to save your wallpaper.

Send Stamps

  1. If you would like to send a stamp, click on the preferred stamp and click “Use”.
  2. Select how you’d like to send the stamp. You can use an external application, send it via email, or even just save it to your Camera Roll.
  3. Specify your recipient, add a message if you wish, and hit “Send”!

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