Volunteer with UNHCR
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a branch of the United Nations that deals specifically with providing aid to refugees – including relocation support, crucial supplies, and access to medical care. Their primary goal is to ensure the safety and survival of people in refugee situations.
If you want to volunteer with UNHCR, there are plenty of opportunities to do so at home, by traveling abroad, or by using your specific skillset on an online volunteer project.Contents
Getting Set Up
- Make sure you meet the requirements. If you would like to volunteer abroad through UNHCR, you must be at least 25 years old. You also need a university degree and at least two years of work experience related to the volunteer work you’ll be doing. If you are interested in volunteering in your home country, you must be at least 22 years old.
- There may be other restrictions for individual volunteering projects, but you will need to ask about those when you are offered a position.
- In general, these restrictions only apply to potential UNHCR volunteers abroad, or for specific domestic volunteer projects. If you just want to raise money or host an event, you may not need to meet any minimum requirements. But it’s always better to check with UNHCR first (by contacting your local office) to make sure you’re meeting all of the requirements and doing everything by the book.
- Register online. If you wish to volunteer in person, you’ll need to register online in their “Global Talent Pool” at https://www.unv.org/become-volunteer/volunteer-abroad/register-our-global-talent-pool. You’ll create a profile that includes some basic information about your life, your level of education, and your work experience. You can complete this profile in English, French, or Spanish.
- The application process takes about 45 minutes, and provides the administrators with enough information to link you with a volunteer opportunity that suits your skills and your personal situation.
- You will be contacted when a suitable position becomes available.
- Browse available online positions. If you wish to volunteer for UNHCR via online work, you may browse through the postings for online-only volunteer opportunities at https://www.onlinevolunteering.org/en. These positions can be done from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a computer and internet access.
- To apply for one of these positions, simply read the project description and then click on the “Apply” button on that page. You’ll need to fill out a registration form and an application that must be approved before you can begin the work.
- The volunteer positions are broken down into categories based on various kinds of specialties that you can match to your specific skillset. You can choose translation, art and design, research, technology development, healthcare services, or a number of other categories.
Volunteering at Home
- Start a fundraising campaign. Organizations like UNHCR always need money to continue the important work that they do. Donate money yourself, or start a fundraising campaign to raise additional monetary support for the refugee cause. You can collect the money yourself and then donate it to the organization in one large chunk.
- You could create an Raise Money Online and share it with your friends and on social media. Try a fundraising site like GoFundMe or YouCaring.
- You could host a donation drive to collect goods and other items needed by the organization. Just make sure you contact UNHCR ahead of time to find out what kinds of things they are in need of at the moment.
- You can encourage others to register as volunteers as well.
- Organize a refugee awareness event. An important way that you can volunteer to help UNHCR is by hosting an event in your community. You could hold the event in a public space, or even in your home. This could be a film viewing about refugee hardships, a discussion or debate about an important issue related to refugees, or even a World Refugee Day party to raise awareness.
- If you contact your local UNHCR office, they may be able to provide a speaker for your event. They will also be able to provide ideas to help facilitate and manage your event.
- Donate your time. There are plenty of ways to donate your time to help out important causes like the refugee crisis. Make yourself available for any number of volunteer services that refugees need once they arrive in your country. Contact UNHCR directly to see what kind of help they need.
- This includes things like child care, transportation, translation assistance, or anything else that might be difficult for refugees to manage on their own.
Contributing Abroad
- Complete the online registration. If you want to volunteer with UNHCR in a host country, you’ll need to register as a volunteer on their online portal at https://www.unv.org/become-volunteer/volunteer-abroad/register-our-global-talent-pool. The organization administrators will match up your availability, your specific skills, and your preferences with an opportunity they think is right for you.
- Be sure to indicate that you are interested in volunteering abroad on your registration profile.
- Wait for an assignment. Even though you are probably anxious to begin your volunteering work, you’ll need to wait for a response from the organization before you can start. Once you submit your application, simply wait until you are contacted with an offer. The length of time you’ll need to wait varies, depending on current needs.
- Once you receive your assignment, you have the option to accept or reject it. Take some time to review the offer and make a reasoned decision.
- International volunteer assignments typically last 6-12 months, but can usually be extended up to four years.
- Prepare your finances and research the host country before you leave. Once you have accepted an assignment, you’ll need to prepare for your absence. You should do some research about your host country to familiarize yourself with some of the cultural differences before you arrive.
- Preparing also means getting any necessary vaccinations, putting your finances in order, calling your banks to let them know you will be traveling abroad, and making preparations for a long absence from your home (especially if you have pets or housemates that you need to arrange care for).
- Volunteers are typically paid a living wage while they are abroad.
- Committing to a volunteer project abroad takes a lot of energy, dedication, and sacrifice. It means time away from your family and friends. It means taking unpaid time off from your job, and possible financial hardship. Make sure you understand the sacrifices you’ll need to make in order to volunteer, especially abroad.
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.unhcr.org/en-us/united-nations-volunteers.html
- ↑ https://www.unv.org/become-volunteer/volunteer-abroad/register-our-global-talent-pool
- https://www.onlinevolunteering.org/en
- https://www.gofundme.com/tour
- http://www.unhcr.org/en-us/get-involved.html
- https://www.charitynavigator.org/?bay=content.view&cpid=201
- https://www.impactpool.org/articles/most-frequently-asked-questions-about-un-volunteers
- https://www.unv.org/sites/default/files/50739-Short-term%20International%20UN%20Volunteer%20-%20WEB.pdf