Vomit Politely

Vomiting is not something most people want to be exposed to, so if you find yourself nauseous and feel the urge to vomit, there are a few things you might do to decrease the effect of this unfortunate event on other people.


  1. When you have to vomit, say you have to use the restroom, and go vomit in the toilet. Then flush the toilet and wipe your mouth. If there is a water fountain nearby, you would probably want to get a drink.
  2. If no restroom is available, ask to be excused. Then, leave to find a bush, tree, rock or anything big that you can hide behind.
  3. If you have warning, remove your shirt or dress to avoid a vomit spill mark. The embarrassment of being seen without covering is less than having a "vomit 'V'" down your front.
  4. When you are done, wipe your mouth with tissues.
  5. If you have water, swish some in your mouth then spit it in an inconspicuous place.
  6. Try to use a breath mint, because the acid from vomit can reek.
  7. If your date (or whoever you happen to be with) asks what happened, say you had to take a moment or make a phone call, then change the subject.
  8. If you need to vomit, take a napkin and cover your mouth and vomit. If it sinks through, say "excuse me" and escape to a restroom. If your friend follows you, run into a stall and begin vomiting freely.


  • Tell the person you are with that you need to vomit. Even though it is embarrassing and gross, it's not nearly as bad as vomiting on your friends.
  • If you feel you are going to vomit at that second while talking to someone, just run out of the room, then make up an excuse or come clean and tell them.
  • If vomit gets on your shirt, it can be gross, so lean over far when vomiting.
  • Put your hair up or have a friend hold it back.
  • Try to carry tissues in your purse to wipe your mouth if you have to.
  • Try not to vomit in a restaurant unless there is a restroom. Leave and go vomit outside, and try not to let other people see you.
  • If you lean too far, vomit can exit from your nose.


  • Don't try to hold it in your mouth. This can cause more and more vomiting.
  • Try not to vomit in a sink. It might clog it.
  • If you find yourself vomiting regularly, you might have health issues that need medical attention.
  • If you are in a moving vehicle, do not just open the door when you need to vomit... It is a bad idea, and potentially dangerous. Get the driver to pull over (you shouldn't be behind the wheel) and then when safe, open the door. Also, Never vomit inside a motorcycle helmet either - not cool... Especially if it's not yours. Dangerous too.
  • If you have vomited, please warn others that you have and go home. This might prevent spread of viruses, some of which can be potentially fatal to those at high-risk (Over-65s, young children, people with weakened immune systems etc.). No one wants to catch stomach flu.
  • Do not go to work or prepare food for anybody for 48 hours after the first instance of vomiting.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Tissues
  • Breath mints

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