Wax Leg Hair Using Wax Strips

Having trouble waxing or it's your first time? No worries. This article will tell you how to safely wax your legs using store bought wax strips. Its simple, easy and effective.


  1. Wash and exfoliate your legs through a shower or bath. Do this gently or you may damage your skin.
  2. Follow the instructions on preparing the wax strips. It will usually say to heat the strips before use.
  3. Place the wax strip on your leg and pull of at speed on the opposite way of the hairs growing. If your hairs grow down, then pull the wax strip upwards/towards you.
  4. Remove the excess wax with either a wipe provided or using the shower and use cream to moisturise the skin.


  • Pull against the hairs so to prevent ingrown hairs.
  • Pull the wax quickly to reduce pain.
  • Always have a shower before waxing.

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