Wear a Winter Scarf

The right knot in your scarf will not only make you look fashionable, it can also provide greater warmth and protection from the elements. If you live in the northern climes, the right scarf knot can save you from a bitter winter, and maybe even from illness.[1] For best results, you should use a true winter scarf: a long, rectangular piece of warm fabric, like wool, fleece, or cashmere.[2]


Tying a Scarf for Cool Weather

  1. Try the simple Drape. This style of wear is perfect for cool weather. It's easy to throw on or take off if the sun comes out and warms up your early winter day. To "tie" this knot, simple lay it across the back of your neck so that each end of the scarf hangs evenly.[3]
  2. Take your scarf Once Around. The Once Around offers a little more warmth for your neck, making it more suitable for breezy or windy days. Lay your scarf across the back of your neck so that the right side is longer than the left, then take the long side across the front of your body, around your neck, and return it to hang on the right side.[4]
  3. Give your scarf the Over Hand. This knot is a little fancier, and may be perfect for business, a date, or a brisk night on the town. With your scarf around your neck and the right side longer than the left, take the long end across your chest and over the short end, loop the long end around and under the short end, and then pull it through so that it hangs atop the other fabric.[5]
  4. Enjoy the Chest Warmer. This tie is very simple, but is perfect for when the temperature begins to get a little more toward the chilly side, especially if you're only wearing a light jacket. Keeping each side even around your neck, cross both ends at the front of your chest, around each of your sides, and tie the ends together behind your back with the knot of your choice.[6]

Tying a Scarf for Cold Weather

  1. Look forward to warmth with the Reverse Drape. This is a common style, likely because of its excellent protection and simple method. Take your scarf around your neck evenly and cross each end over the front of your body. Now you can tighten your scarf to your comfort and allow the excess for each end to hang behind you.[7]
  2. Get continental with a Parisian Knot. Frequently seen on the slopes, this knot offers a buffer from the cold and can be tied in an instant. Halve your scarf so that you hold it by the loop in your right hand, with both ends dangling together loosely. Take the loose ends around your neck, bring these across your chest, and thread both ends through the loop in your right hand.[8]
  3. Tie a real Fake Knot. This style has the benefit of being both warm and classy, giving the impression of an elaborate knot across the front of your neck. Leaving the right end of your scarf longer:
    • Take the short end of your scarf around the back of your neck.
    • Loop the long end so that it comes back under itself, keeping the loop loose.
    • Pull the long end under itself to the other side, while preserving your loop.
    • Gently take the long end through your loop.
    • Join the short end with the long by taking it through the loop.[9]
    • This particular style may require a little more length on your long end than usual.
    • After you have taken the short end of your scarf through the loop made by the long end, you can lightly tug on each end until the knot is comfortable and both ends are roughly even.

Tying a Scarf for Freezing Weather

  1. Guard against glacial temps with the Twice Around. Simple and dependable for defending against wind and bitter cold, the Twice Around is a great quick tie for your winter scarf.
    • Leave your right side end considerably longer than your left, which you should take behind the back or your neck and allow to hang loosely.
    • Take your long end around your front, behind the back of your neck, and repeat this motion again.
    • Now your long end and short end should be roughly the same length, with your short end on your left side and your long end on your right.[10]
    • This style will likely require a longer scarf (approximately 82 in.) to tie effectively.
  2. Fight the freeze with the Reverse Drape Tuck. A classy look for true polar protection. With the right end longer than the left and your scarf across the back of your neck and:
    • Take your long end around the front of your neck, around the back of your neck, and then under itself.
    • Now you can take your short end and pull it under the long end, crossing it your front to drape with the long end.[11]
  3. Avert arctic air with the Reverse Drape Cross. With the right end of your scarf longer and the short end already passed over the back of your neck:
    • Take your long end across your front, around and across the back of your neck.
    • Cross your front again to rest the long end atop your short end.
    • Now take your short end up and over the long end and pull it behind the long end out to the other side.[12][13]
  4. Foil frigidity with the Four in Hand. Halve your scarf so that you hold it by a loop with your right hand with the loose ends dangling. Take the loose ends around your neck, and:
    • Of the two ends, take the inside one and pull it through your loop as far to the right as you can.
    • Move your loop somewhat inward and across your chest.
    • Twist your loop so there is a turn in the fabric separating your inside end from the end of your loop.
    • Pull the outside end of your scarf through the loop, with the twist separating inner and outer ends.[14]


  • Most of these winter scarf knots can be tied with medium length scarves (approximately 70 in.)
  • If you are trying to tie a complex your knot, or a knot that requires a few loops or crosses, you may need a long scarf (approximately 82 in.)

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